What do SEO and Dieting Have in Common?

By Aron Allen
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Simply put, SEO and dieting are frighteningly similar.

1. Both belong to an industry where people want to take shortcuts without doing the hard work.

We all know it’s true, SEO work takes months to show tangible results – for some people, that’s a hell of a long time. So, of course, they cut corners and try to take the easy way. Oh, what’s that you say? You paid to get links to your site and now Google won’t index you at all? What a surprise.

2. Work your ass off and still get shamed all over the internet.

Also no secret, everyone online seems to think saying “We do SEO!” basically means “We steal your money!”. The actions of the fake companies have permanently branded real SEO’s as shady, hoodie-wearing back stabbers. Unfortunately, many of us have spent years upon years building our own personal SEO strategies no one seems to appreciate.

3. There is a ton of misinformation about what really works and what doesn’t

Dieting and SEO have got to be the most two most bullshit-stuffed topics on the internet. Why? Because everyone likes to think they’ve got the magic secret, when they’ve really got no clue. Can you tell me how Google works? No, you can’t, because not even Google knows how Google works. Just like how your body is infinitely complicated and you couldn’t possibly know everything about it.

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4.People who practice them are often hypocritical, i.e. “Do as I say not do as I do”

Overweight people love to tell everyone how great their diet is going and how to eat properly. Just like how some SEO’s like to others how to rank highly but have never gotten a site to the first page. If you tell yourself you know what you’re doing long enough, eventually you’ll start believing it.

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5. Slow and steady really does win the race

If you stick out a real diet without breaking it over time, you’ll actually start seeing changes. But, just like watching a plant grow, you have to be extremely patient otherwise, you’ll think nothing is happening. Small changes to sites and pages will always win the SEO races, especially since Google wretches at the idea of a bunch of large changes.

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6. Stick to the fundamentals

Diet and exercise = content and links. That’s really it. Focusing too much on the extra things people tell you to worry about will only drag your efforts backward. No, you don’t need the newest Kombucha recipe to lose weight, just like you don’t need extraneous WordPress Plugins.

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7. You won’t start seeing results for about 4 – 6 weeks

Excruciatingly painful for impatient people to hear is that they won’t see anything change for months. But that’s life. Good things come to those who wait, and when you try to hurry it up, you’ll probably screw it up.

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8. They both require real strategies and hard work.

Surprise, surprise! SEO’s really do work hard – and they work hard a lot. Do you know how long it takes to build the perfect Google Analytics Dashboard? Do you know how long it takes to create a 20-page SEO audit? It’s not easy!

Idea Source – We would like to thank Reddit user ecommercemvp of eCommerce MVP for letting us use this brilliant post idea from his Reddit thread where many creative redditors have shared their awesome views.

Tags:- content and linkscreate a 20-page SEO auditcreative redditorsDiet and exercise

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