The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy for Mompreneurs

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The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy for Mompreneurs

As a mom, you already have a lot on your plate. From managing your kids, family, and home, you are also running your business efficiently.


However, when it comes to expanding your business, you cannot rely solely on the quality of your products. You need to market your business and boost brand awareness to attract potential customers.


With over 2.14 billion people buying products online, digital marketing should be your go-to strategy to reach potential customers and get more sales.


We’ve put together this guide to help you improve your digital presence and create a marketing strategy that works.

But, before we get started, let’s get into the basics of digital marketing strategy that can help improve your success rate.


1- Create a Buyer Persona

For any marketing strategy to succeed, you need to target the right person. Therefore, the first step is to create detailed buyer personas.


A buyer persona is a description of your ideal customer based on real data about your existing customers and market research. It can be created by researching, surveying, and interviewing your existing customers.


Here are some details you should gather:

  • Location
  • Age
  • Goals and challenges
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Purchasing behavior
  • Digital channels they use the most
  • Lifestyle

Here is an example of how a buyer persona looks:



2- Evaluate Your Existing Digital Channels

When creating a digital marketing strategy, it’s vital to evaluate your existing channels. This will help optimize them and determine what to incorporate into your strategy.


Here are different types of channels or assets you might have:


  • Owned media: It includes your website, social media profiles, blog, and other digital assets that you have complete control over.
  • Earned media: It includes the exposure you’ve earned through word-of-mouth marketing, such as guest posts, PR work, positive reviews, or social media mentions.
  • Paid media: It includes channels you spend money on to attract potential customers, such as paid ads and native advertising (sponsored posts on other websites).

Determine where you stand with these assets. Make a list of your assets and rank them based on what has performed best in terms of your business goals.


The idea here is to determine what’s working and what’s not.


Even if you don’t have any existing digital channels, that’s ok. We all start somewhere, right?


That said, let’s look at how to boost your web presence.


5 Digital Marketing Strategies for Mompreneurs

We will discuss five most effective digital marketing strategies that can help you boost brand awareness and increase sales.


1- Improve Your Website’s SEO

Around 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine like Google, Yahoo!, or Bing. Plus, 53% of all trackable website traffic comes from organic search.


These numbers indicate that SEO (search engine optimization) is still important. SEO is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher on search engine results pages.


Here are some ways to improve your website’s SEO:


  • Audit your website to find SEO issues. Tools like Ubersuggest or SEOptimer help determine the health of your website and provide recommendations to improve it.


  • Improve your page loading speed. Google uses page speed to rank websites. Plus, if your site takes too much time to load, customers are likely to go back to the search results, thereby increasing the bounce rate. You can check your site loading speed using Google PageSpeed Insights. Ensure that your site loads in less than 5 seconds.
  • Generate backlinks from authoritative websites in your niche to increase your site’s credibility.
  • Ensure that your website is optimized for devices of all sizes. Apart from helping you rank higher, mobile optimization can also generate more sales. The worldwide mCommerce sales in eCommerce are expected to reach 72.9% by 2021.
  • Use the right keywords to rank on top for relevant search queries. You can use tools like WordStream or Answer the Public to find keywords that your potential customers enter into the search engine.

2- Run Paid Ads

SEO delivers results but takes time (months, usually). On the other hand, paid ads generate outcomes from day one (when optimized appropriately).


Though paid ads can be expensive, they can help drive more sales and brand awareness when combined with SEO.


Follow these best practices when running paid ads to increase your return on ad spend (ROAS):


  • Use the right keywords to get in front of customers who are actively looking for your products.
  • Leverage Google Smart Bidding to optimize your bids automatically as per your business goals.
  • Create unique landing pages for each ad. Ensure that the pages reflect the offerings in your ads.
  • Insert unique phone numbers on each ad to track offline conversions. You can buy local virtual numbers at an affordable rate from iTeleCenter. Local numbers make your business look attractive and increase the chances of conversions.

3- Leverage Content Marketing

Content marketing helps you showcase your expertise, provides additional space to include keywords, and increases your chances of ranking on the top of result pages.


If you haven’t already started blogging, now is the right time to do it. And when you do, follow these best practices:


  • Write about topics that your target audience is concerned about.
  • Provide actionable tips in your blogs to help your prospects solve their pain points.
  • Add relevant internal links in your articles to encourage readers to spend more time on your site.
  • Use keywords in headings, subheadings, and meta descriptions. Also, use terms related to your primary keywords, also known as LSI (Lamentic Semantic Indexing).

4- Create Facebook and Instagram Shops

Social networks, especially Facebook and Instagram, allow you to sell products from within the platform. You can set up Facebook and Instagram Shopping to boost your social presence and increase sales.


In a survey by Facebook, 81% of respondents said that Instagram helps them research products and services, while 83% of them use it to discover new products.


Follow these social media best practices to increase sales:


  • Post about your products regularly and highlight why it is worth buying.
  • Create stories to highlight the process behind your products or business to build a relationship with customers.
  • Share photos or videos that your customers have posted on social media.
  • Engage with the comments on your posts.

5- Use Email Marketing

The cost of an Email marketing campaign is much cheaper in comparison to other digital marketing plans and it’s one of the most effective ways to market your product. When done right, it can generate $38 for every $1 spent. You can collect emails when customers buy products from you and even via blogging.


Once you’ve built an email list:

  • Send newsletters regularly to engage your customers.
  • Share the latest products and offerings to entice them into buying again.
  • Personalize the subject line and preview text to increase the open rate.
  • A/B tests different subject lines and calls to action to determine what works best.
  • Use logic based automation to improve efficiency. [You can kickstart your campaign with HubSpot or Mailchimp]

Wrapping Up

Digital marketing helps reach tech-savvy customers and generate more sales. However, before you create a digital marketing strategy, you need to understand your ideal customers. Then, analyze your existing digital assets and optimize them to generate results.

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