20 Tactics to Try to Improve Your Blog Online Presence in 7 Days

By Pradeep
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20 Tactics to Try to Improve Your Blog Online Presence in 7 Days

The digital world has seen increased traffic in recent times due to social distancing and lockdowns. As people can’t move out, the hours that everyone spends online considerably increased. As per a recent study, ever since the pandemic occurred, the time that people spend online has increased by 60%. On average, a person spends around 8 hours daily on different digital platforms.

This increase in digital engagement opened doors for content marketing services and related businesses. It is fair to say that there can be no better time than now to start a blog and make the best use of your time. It doesn’t involve much investment, and all you need to do is, put in some effort to improve your blog presence.

“Marketing talks to people, while content marketing talks with them.”

 – Doug Kessler

There is a reason why content marketing services are the new way to interact with people. You should only know to write quality content and the strategy to make it reach maximum people. Before you start promoting your blog, keep the following things in mind:

  • Start a blog either by buying your domain or switching to a blogging platform.
  • Make sure you create highly engaging content, keeping in mind your audiences.
  • Monetize your blog, the blog presence will fetch you more visitors, and you can earn big with the ads.

Once everything in the blog is in place, it is time to put your content marketing services to use and improve your online presence. Let’s dive deeper and figure out how you can increase your blog presence in 7 days.

Day 1

1st Tactic: Content Planning

Plan your content. You can only keep the audience glued if your content is engaging. Use data-driven content as a strategy as people engage with it more than the regular content. Put in a lot of research and make sure you provide factual knowledge.

2nd Tactic: Content Advertising

The best way to grab the attention of your audience is to be where their attention is. There are different social media platforms; LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, and the list is endless. Announce your blog on these platforms and encourage people to read your content.

3rd Tactic: Updating Content

Remove all old-school content and strategies. Keep each page and content on the pages up to date. It boosts the traffic up to 25%. Updating the content might take time, but it will be worth it.

Day 2

4th Tactic: Use Right Social Media Platform

Identify the social media platforms that work best for the type of content you are publishing. For example, LinkedIn works best for professional content like government policies, industrial knowledge, and likewise. Whereas, if you are writing lifestyle or beauty-related blogging content, Facebook or Instagram is your calling! These platforms offer professional dashboards helping you identify the progress.

5th Tactic: Consider Paid Ads

Advertising is another option to increase engagement. Most of the social media platforms offer to boost the posts to get paid reach. If you have the budget, spread the word through boost.

6th Tactic: Cross-Platform

Cross-platform advertising is another tactic that one can do. If you have more followers on one platform, ask them to follow you on the other platform. It increases your digital presence to many folds.

Day 3

7th Tactic: Email Campaigns

The next thing you can do is create an email list. Every time you publish something, your audience will get an email notification. The reader can run straight to read it.

8th tactic: Newsletters with Links

Another thing that you can do with the email contact list is to send newsletters. Get an attractive newsletter designed with information about your blogs and send it across. Statistically, it increases engagement by 37%.

9th Tactic: Buy Data

You can also buy the data of relevant audiences who would like to read your content and use this data to promote your blog links. Many content marketing services make use of this data to reach the right audience.

10th Tactic: Push Notifications

Not everyone is interested in subscribing to the emails. In that case, make use of the push notifications to help your non-subscribing readers know about the new blog post.

Day 4

11th Tactic: Brand Collaborations

Collaborations are great; they help increase the audiences, readers, and money you earn too many folds. Collaborate with a brand and promote their product through your blog. The company will get increased buyers, and you get more readers.

12th Tactic: Guest Blogs

Another effective collaboration is guest blogging. Different platforms allow the bloggers to put the content on their platform. Choose the right platform and write your best blog so that readers are bound to visit your blog from there. Research by renowned content strategist Neil Patel research shows that guest blogging contributes to 30% of the overall engagement on a blog.

13th Tactic: Maximum Interaction

Open the comment section of your blog, allow people to share their opinions and feedback, which will improve the digital presence of the blog and help increase engagement.

Day 5

14th Tactic: Bookmarking Sites

Promote your content on different social bookmarking sites like Bizsugar, Zest, and likewise. They have niche-oriented categories where you can connect with like-minded people.

15th tactic: Use Forums to your Advantage

Switch to forums like quora, where people genuinely engage with the content. Make sure your content solves the queries that people might have, and you can expect a 20% increase in your traffic.

16th Tactic: Pay Attention to the Bio

When you create a profile on the forums or bookmarking sites, write an appealing author’s bio, giving people an indication that you know what you are writing!

Day 6

17th Tactic: Relationship with Fellow Bloggers

Create a relationship with fellow bloggers. Read other people’s content and comment on it. It will help you stay updated with the strategies they follow. Moreover, it will bring you into the eyes of their readers as well.

18th Tactic: Influencer Marketing

Be in touch with the influencers and use this two-way relationship with them to promote your blog. You can choose to speak about them, and they, in return, can mention how your blogs help.

19th Tactic: Bring Interesting Content and Give Tags and Mentions

Bring in some interviews of influential people. When you share the blog on social media platforms, make sure you tag them and gain better engagement.

Day 7

20th Tactic: Be Consistent

The only thing that will help your blog reach maximum heights is consistency. Your efforts need to be consistent, and your writing should be flawless for the readers to stick. The content marketing services business is booming, and with these tips, you can make good use of it.

Use all these strategies and techniques, and your blog will get the maximum attention and engagement! Happy Blogging.

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