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July 24, 2024

How to Promote Your Business for Free on Startup Subreddits

In the digital age, promoting your business effectively is crucial for growth and success. One of the most powerful yet underutilized platforms for free promotion is Reddit. Specifically, startup subreddits provide a unique opportunity to reach a highly targeted audience of entrepreneurs, investors, and potential customers. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the best […]

July 22, 2024

Will Marketing Be Replaced by AI?

As technology continues to evolve, the question on many minds is whether artificial intelligence (AI) will eventually replace traditional marketing roles. AI is not here to replace marketers, but it’s transforming the industry in profound ways. Embracing AI as a partner, rather than a threat, will be key to thriving in this evolving landscape. Marketers […]

July 9, 2024

Social Media: Tap into the Digital Goldmine & Skyrocket Your Success

Table of contents Why Social Media is Important for Business? How Can Social Media Help a Business Grow? Ready to Harness the Power of Social Media? What Should be the Best Practices While Using Social Media? Do I Need Social Media for My Business? 5 Stats to Show the Importance of Social Media Marketing How […]

June 25, 2024

Is AI Good or Bad for Business? A Double-Edged Sword

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a transformative force across industries, disrupting traditional models and ushering in a new era of automation and data-driven decision-making. But the question remains: is AI a boon or a bane for businesses? The answer, much like many aspects of technology, is complex and multifaceted. AI offers a wealth of benefits, […]

June 22, 2024

How to Prevent Accounts from Getting Banned on Reddit?

Reddit, the self-proclaimed “front page of the internet,” offers a wealth of information, humor, and niche communities. But venture down the wrong path, and you might get hit with the dreaded ban hammer. Fear not, fellow redditor! This guide equips you with the knowledge to navigate Reddit like a pro, avoiding account suspension while maximizing […]

June 19, 2024

How to Use Quora to Drive Traffic: Build Your Presence and Stay Safe

Quora, a vibrant question-and-answer forum, offers a wealth of knowledge and a platform to establish yourself as an expert. This comprehensive guide equips you with the knowledge to navigate Quora safely, engage meaningfully with the community, and leverage its functionalities to achieve your goals, including driving traffic to your website. Building a Secure and Trustworthy […]

May 29, 2024

What is Niche Marketing? Examples & Marketing Strategies

In today’s bustling online marketplace, standing out from the crowd can feel like a daunting task. Businesses compete for customer attention across a vast spectrum of products and services. But what if you could carve out your own unique space, catering to a specific audience with targeted solutions? Enter the world of niche marketing. What […]

May 27, 2024

How to Improve Your Brand Visibility on AI-Powered Searches & LLMs?

The way users find information online is undergoing a transformation. Traditional search engines, while still crucial, are facing a challenge: AI-powered search powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Bard. These intelligent models are fundamentally changing how people find what they’re looking for, and for brands, it’s a whole new ball game. This […]

May 15, 2024

Bing Places for Business: How to Set Up Your Listing on Bing Places?

In today’s digital landscape, attracting local customers requires a strong online presence and a focus on local SEO services. One often-overlooked yet powerful tool is Bing Places for Business. This free service from Microsoft allows you to claim your business listing, ensuring accurate information and improved search engine visibility. By following these steps on how […]

May 10, 2024

Bing SEO: How to Optimize Your Website and Rank Higher on Bing

When it comes to SEO, Google often reigns supreme for search engine marketers. It’s understandable – ranking well on the search giant can lead to significant website traffic. However, overlooking Bing, the second most used search engine globally, can be a missed opportunity. With the right Bing SEO services and strategies, you can tap into […]

May 1, 2024

AI Marketing Guide: Best Tools, Strategies, and How to Use Them

Table of contents What is AI in Digital Marketing? How is AI Used in Digital Marketing? What are the Pros and Cons of AI in Digital Marketing? What Are the Best AI Marketing Tools? Getting Started with Free AI Marketing Tools Which AI is Best for Branding? What is the Best AI Tool for Making […]

April 23, 2024

What is Conversational Marketing? Understanding Strategies, Benefits and Best Practices

In the digital age, the way businesses engage with customers has evolved dramatically. Conversational marketing stands at the forefront of this evolution, offering a more personalized, immediate, and interactive way to connect with audiences. This marketing strategy leverages real-time conversations to build relationships, enhance customer experience, and drive engagement. Let’s delve into what conversational marketing […]

April 19, 2024

What is Keyword Cannibalization and How to Find, Fix, and Prevent It

In the realm of digital visibility, securing a top position in search engine rankings, such as those on Google, is crucial. However, have you ever inadvertently undermined your own SEO endeavors? A complex issue known as keyword cannibalization can arise on any website, regardless of meticulous efforts to optimize search engine performance. This issue occurs […]

April 12, 2024

How to Recover a Suspended Google Business Profile?

Google Business Profile (GBP) listings are a cornerstone for businesses aiming to establish a solid online presence, especially for local SEO. A GBP listing boosts your visibility on Google Maps and Search, making it easier for customers to find your business and access essential information such as your location, hours, and services. However, managing a […]

March 30, 2024

What Is Inclusive Marketing and Why Does It Matter?

The digital marketing landscape is a powerful force, shaping how we perceive brands and interact with the world around us. But for far too long, this landscape has often reflected a limited view of society. Enter inclusive marketing, a revolutionary approach that shatters these limitations and celebrates the vibrant tapestry of identities that make up […]

March 26, 2024

Cracking the Code: How to Get Backlink from Wikipedia for Your Website?

In the sophisticated landscape of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), backlinks are recognized as endorsements from one website to another, signifying to search engines the content’s relevance and quality. Within the extensive array of platforms for securing backlinks, Wikipedia emerges as an unparalleled resource, distinguished by its formidable domain authority and high trust quotient. However, navigating […]

March 20, 2024

Google’s March 2024 Core and Spam Update: Thing you need to know to Safeguard Your Site

The world of SEO is constantly evolving, and Google’s March 2024 Core Update is no exception. With every algorithm change, the search engine landscape shifts, leaving digital marketers and website owners scrambling to keep up. This latest update is no different, as Google aims to provide users with the most relevant and high-quality content. In […]

March 18, 2024

The Pursuit of User “Happyness”: Unveiling the Crucial Role of User Experience with Insights from Eric Enge

Eric Enge, President of Pilot Holding, stands as a distinguished thought leader in the realm of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), boasting over two decades of expertise. Through extensive research endeavors and profound insights, he has made substantial contributions to the SEO community. Let’s delve into Eric Enge’s perspective on the pivotal role of user experience […]

February 29, 2024

SaaS Conversion Rate: Data-driven CRO Strategies for SaaS Businesses

In the fiercely competitive landscape of SaaS, every single conversion counts. But with so many variables at play, optimizing your conversion funnel can feel like navigating a complex maze. That’s where Data-driven Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) comes in, empowering you to make informed decisions and unlock explosive growth for your SaaS business. What is the […]

February 27, 2024

Voice Search Optimization: What Is It and How Important Is It for Your Business?

In today’s fast-paced world, convenience reigns supreme. Enter voice search, the rapidly growing trend of using voice commands to interact with technology, including finding information online. This shift presents a unique opportunity for businesses to reach customers in a whole new way, but are you prepared? This blog post dives into the world of voice […]

February 22, 2024

Why GA4 and Search Console Data Never Match: Understanding the Discrepancies

Comparing data from Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Google Search Console (GSC) can often feel like chasing ghosts, with discrepancies between the two platforms leaving website owners scratching their heads. While both platforms offer valuable insights into website traffic and performance, understanding why their metrics don’t always align is essential for effective data interpretation. Let’s […]

February 13, 2024

How to Fix “Duplicate, Google Chose Different Canonical than User”?

Have you encountered the frustrating “Duplicate, Google chose different canonical than user” status in Google Search Console? Don’t fret! This issue affects duplicate pages that Google hasn’t indexed, signaling that Google disregarded your canonical tag and indexed a different duplicate page instead. But fear not – we’re here to demystify this issue and provide effective […]

January 30, 2024

Mastering Content Gap Analysis: A Step-by-Step Guide

Table of contents What is a Content Gap Analysis? What are the Benefits of Content Gap Analysis How to Do a Content Gap Analysis? What are the Best Tools for Content Gap Analysis? Conclusion Content Gap Analysis is a powerful tool that helps businesses identify gaps in their content strategy and capitalize on opportunities for […]

January 29, 2024

How to Increase Organic Traffic in 2024: 15 Tips for SEO Growth

Table of contents 15 Tips on How to Increase Organic Traffic Optimize Your Pages for Human Experience, Not for Search Engines Create a Blog Publish Content Regularly Optimize Content for the Featured Snippet Integrate Relevant Keywords on Your Page Find New Keywords to Fill in Gaps Focus on “People Also Ask” and FAQ Sections Create […]

January 22, 2024

What is Technical Marketing, and How Should You Use It? – Benefits & Best Practices

Learning about technical marketing is like starting an adventure. It’s like opening a door to a world where technology and smart communication are super important. Imagine businesses trying to share tricky technical info with people, making sure they understand and are interested. This blog is all about understanding technical marketing better. We’ll talk about why […]

January 17, 2024

10 Top Digital Marketing Trends Every Marketer Should Follow in 2024

In the ever-changing world of digital marketing, it’s essential for marketers to keep up with new trends. As we enter 2024, big changes are expected in the digital world, and marketers need a plan to navigate through these changes. This blog is here to help, providing a guide to the top 10 digital marketing trends […]

Future Trends in Conversion Rate Optimization: Emerging Strategies to Boost Your Marketing in 2024

The digital marketing landscape continually evolves, and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is at the forefront of this transformation. In this blog post, we delve into the emerging trends in CRO and their profound impact on the future of the field. What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) in Digital Marketing? A conversion rate is a metric […]

December 21, 2023

How to Get More Traffic on Your Website? – Explore New SEO Techniques

In today’s highly competitive digital landscape, getting more traffic to your website is crucial for success. SEO is crucial for generating organic traffic to your site. However, with search engines constantly evolving, it’s important to stay updated on the latest SEO techniques. In this article, we will explore some effective strategies to boost your website’s […]

December 18, 2023

Google Ads: The Ultimate Guide to Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising stands out as a powerful tool that can catapult your business to new heights. This guide will delve deep into the intricacies of PPC marketing, offering insights and strategies to help you harness its full potential. Understanding The Basics Of PPC Marketing Ever wondered how […]

December 18, 2023

YouTube SEO: Tips to Improve Your YouTube Videos Ranking

YouTube has become the go-to platform for video content creators and marketers to reach a wide audience. With millions of videos uploaded every day, it’s essential to optimize your videos to improve their visibility and ranking on YouTube’s search results. What is YouTube SEO? YouTube SEO, also known as YouTube Search Engine Optimization, refers to […]

December 15, 2023

Mastering LinkedIn Campaign Manager: A Comprehensive Guide to Elevate Your LinkedIn Marketing Game

LinkedIn stands tall as a formidable platform for businesses seeking to forge connections with professionals and amplify their product or service reach. At the helm of this strategic endeavor is the LinkedIn Campaign Manager—a dynamic tool empowering businesses to meticulously create and orchestrate advertising campaigns tailored for LinkedIn’s unique audience. If you haven’t explored LinkedIn […]

December 13, 2023

What is Content Mapping and Why is it Important for Your Website?

Content mapping is an essential strategy in digital marketing, acting as a guide to deliver content that addresses the needs and interests of potential customers at every stage of their buying journey. This comprehensive approach ensures that each piece of content, from blog posts to videos, effectively reaches and impacts the intended audience, encouraging them […]

October 31, 2023

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular Logistics Services Keywords Searched in Google [US] Every Year

Logistics involves planning, executing, and managing the efficient flow and storage of goods from their origin to consumption to meet customer needs. It’s a complex and ever-evolving field, with new technologies and trends emerging all the time. To stay ahead of the curve, it’s vital to be aware of the latest logistics trends and target […]

October 27, 2023

What is Guerrilla Marketing with Examples: Unconventional Strategies for Digital Businesses That Get Results

Table of contents What is Guerrilla Marketing? What are the Key Features of Guerrilla Marketing? How Guerilla Marketing Can be Integrated with Other Marketing Strategies? What is an Example of Nike Guerilla Marketing? What are Other Examples of Guerrilla Marketing? What are the 4 Objectives of Guerrilla Marketing? How Do I Start Guerrilla Marketing? Conclusion […]

October 17, 2023

Image Optimization for SEO: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of contents Introduction Why are Optimized Images Important for SEO? Benefits of Optimizing Images for SEO How to Optimize Images for SEO? Image SEO Best Practices Case Study – Challenges faced by the Client Bonus tips Tips to Getting Started with Image Optimization Common Image Optimization Mistakes to Avoid Free Image Optimization Tools Introduction […]

September 28, 2023

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular Business & Commercial Insurance Keywords Searched in Google [US] Every Year – SEO 2023 Giveaway

In the dynamic insurance landscape, keywords aren’t just words; they’re powerful tools driving digital success and search visibility (SEO). They are the words and phrases that potential customers use to find insurance products and services online. For US-based businesses and commercial insurance companies, a robust online footprint isn’t just beneficial—it’s paramount. In an online arena […]

September 25, 2023

Microsoft Ads (Formerly Bings Ads) Vs. Google Ads: Which Ad Platform is Right for You?

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising remains a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience effectively. Microsoft Ads (formerly Bing Ads) and Google Ads are two of the most prominent players in the PPC arena. Both platforms offer the opportunity to create and display ads on search engine results […]

September 21, 2023

Comprehensive Guide to Getting Started with Bing Webmaster Tools

If you’re serious about improving your website’s visibility on Bing, you might ask, what is Bing Webmaster Tools? Bing Webmaster Tools is a free suite of tools designed for webmasters and SEO experts and provides crucial insights into their website’s performance on the Bing search engine. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you step by […]

September 7, 2023

Latest Bing SEO Guide: How Bing SEO Differs from Google SEO in 2023

What is Bing SEO? Bing SEO refers to the practices and tactics aimed at optimizing websites and online content specifically for the Bing search engine. Just as Google has its unique algorithms and ranking factors, so does Bing. Why is Bing SEO important? While Google dominates the search landscape, overlooking Bing SEO is a missed […]

August 28, 2023

Steps to Take When You Notice a Sudden Keyword Rankings Drop on Google

Google ranking can often feel like an enigmatic puzzle for businesses and marketers alike. As the primary search engine used by millions of people across the globe, Google’s algorithms are in a constant state of evolution. For anyone invested in search engine optimization (SEO), witnessing a significant drop in Google ranking can be both disheartening […]

August 22, 2023

How do I SEO My WordPress Site? 5 Major SEO Technical Issues in WordPress

WordPress is an incredibly popular platform, powering over 40% of all websites on the internet. Known for its user-friendly interface and flexibility, it’s a go-to for many website owners and developers. However, like all platforms, it’s not without its challenges. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is critical for visibility in search engines, and various technical […]

August 7, 2023

How to Clean Website & Blog Content Without Affecting Keyword Rankings?

  Are you struggling to index your content on search engines? That could be very frustrating after spending so much time and resources developing the website and working with the content marketing agency. There are times when the content on your website becomes obsolete, and you might need to figure out whether to update or […]

July 20, 2023

Subdomains vs. Subfolders: Which is Best for SEO & Why?

In the vast and ever-evolving landscape of SEO, where websites battle for online supremacy, one crucial factor can make or break your digital presence: the way you structure your website. As a website owner, you should be aware that the right organization and optimization of your content can significantly impact your search engine rankings and […]

July 14, 2023

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular AI Industry Keywords Searched Globally

In the realm of artificial intelligence, AI tools have revolutionized the way we interact with technology. These powerful language models have the ability to comprehend and generate human-like responses, making them indispensable for a wide range of applications. To shed light on the core vocabulary surrounding ChatGPT, BARD and other vital AI tools, we have […]

Google Analytics 4 Migration Case Study – Common UA to GA4 Migration Challenges + Solutions

In this case study, we explore the intriguing journey of migrating a complex Google Analytics Universal Analytics tracking setup to the new Google Analytics 4 platform for a restaurant/hotel aggregator website. Our team faced significant challenges, devised unique approaches for each, and found effective solutions to ensure a seamless transition and accurate data collection/analysis. So, […]

July 10, 2023

Boost Your Cleaning Business – Free SEO Keyword Research for the 50 Most Popular Cleaning Service Keywords in Google [US]

In the competitive world of cleaning service businesses, having a strong online presence is crucial for success. This article aims to provide free SEO keyword research for cleaning service businesses by focusing on the 50 most popular cleaning service keywords in Google (US). By leveraging the power of effective keyword research, you can boost your […]

How to Explain Your Clients About GA4 Reporting Migration

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the new version of Google’s web analytics platform that replaces Universal Analytics (UA). GA4 introduces a new way of measuring and reporting website and app data, with a focus on user-centric insights, cross-platform analysis, and privacy compliance. If you are a digital marketer or an agency that provides analytics services […]

June 22, 2023

5 Expert Tips to Prevent Google Business Profile Suspension in 2023

Google Business Profile is a free online listing that provides businesses with an official presence on Google. It allows businesses to manage and display important information about their company, products, services, and location. By maintaining an accurate and comprehensive profile, businesses can effectively communicate their brand, attract potential customers, and build trust and credibility with […]

Digital Success Perfectly Counters Marketing Needs of Modern Businesses

Providing quick, responsive, and seamless online experiences being delivered to the customers prove that the business is following a smooth, integrated, and consistent digital marketing process. The customers perceive the relationship with any business trustworthy that drives them towards clear and pertinent communications, straightforward resolutions, and memorable experience. Digital Success is among those trustworthy and […]

How To Quickly Exclude Internal Visits & Spam Traffic In Google Analytics 4 (GA4)?

If you’re trying to figure out how Google Analytics 4 (GA4) works during its rapid rollout, you’re definitely not alone. One thing that can be confusing is how to remove internal and spam traffic. Filtering traffic in GA4 can be a bit complicated, and many users are struggling to accurately track legitimate visits due to […]

May 18, 2023

Pitfalls of AI Content: Pros & Cons of Using AI-Generated Content for SEO Purposes

As the world continues to embrace the power of data and analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative technology that is revolutionizing various industries. One of the areas where AI is making a significant impact is in the field of content creation. AI-generated content tools have been gaining popularity in recent years, with […]

May 11, 2023

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular Plumbing Services Keywords in the USA

Plumbing is a crucial aspect of every home and business, and therefore, the need for reliable and experienced plumbing services cannot be overstated. Plumbing companies provide a wide range of services, including repairing and installing water heaters, fixing leaks, unclogging drains, and fixing faulty plumbing fixtures. The plumbing industry continues to grow and customers are […]

May 4, 2023

How to Manage Multilingual and Multiregional SEO: Most Important Factors, Tools & Tactics

In today’s globalized world, businesses are expanding their footprint and targeting diverse audiences speaking different languages across different regions. To succeed and capture a broader audience, you want to get your website’s tags, URLs, and other parameters right and optimize it to perform well in varying environments. 72.4% of consumers said they would be more […]

April 24, 2023

How AI Can Shape the Future of Search & SEO?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we live and work, and its impact on digital marketing cannot be ignored. AI has already transformed various industries, and search engine optimization (SEO) is no exception. In recent years, AI has emerged as a game-changer in the world of search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing. With […]

April 17, 2023

Does Future of Site Tracking Exist with Google Analytics 4 or its Alternatives?

Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the newest version of Google Analytics, takes analytics to a different level. Marketers can now leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to track customer paths along several custom parameters across multiple channels. As per Google, using GA4, you can measure traffic and engagement across BOTH websites and apps. The […]

April 6, 2023

How Digital Marketing Agency Helps Insurance Companies attract more Customers and Generate Leads?

Increasing competition in the insurance industry is making it harder for companies to differentiate themselves and stand out in a crowded market. There is a growing distrust of insurance companies among consumers due to concerns about transparency, affordability, and the complexity of insurance policies. In such a competitive market, businesses need to change consumer behavior. […]

March 30, 2023

How to Prepare for a Cookieless Future Internet?

Almost everyone who uses the internet has heard about cookies. When a user visits a website, the user’s device stores a little text file called a cookie. These contain information about the user’s browsing activity and are used to personalize the user experience. For decades, cookies have been an integral part of website functionality. Cookies […]

March 20, 2023

ChatGPT 10 Minutes Digital Marketing Guide for Everyone

ChatGPT is taking the world by storm. According to CNET, ChatGPT reached 100 million users, just 2 months after its launch. So, who’s to say we can’t try it out to line up some slick digital marketing campaigns? There may be a goldmine of untapped potential in marketing and ChatGPT can help us uncover some […]

February 27, 2023

Will Google Continue to Dominate Search in Post Chat GPT World, How? Top Upcoming Features of Google in 2023

As far as search engines are concerned, Google has long been the king. Even today, over 90% of searches are done on Google. A lot of this is due to the company’s focus on search and algorithms. But the rise of new technologies, such as ChatGPT, has left many wondering if Google’s dominance will come […]

February 9, 2023

How Hiring Right Digital Marketing Agency Triggered Exponential Growth for a DFW-based HVAC Company in 36 Months?

HVAC Digital Marketing Basics Businesses in the heating, air conditioning, and ventilation industry are among the most competitive services. The lifetime value of a client is high, but retention is a challenge. Any Digital marketing campaign for the HVAC industry has to be carefully crafted. The marketing mix needs to factor in all the minor […]

January 30, 2023

Leading SaaS SEO Agencies in DFW Based on Customer Reviews in 2023 & How Digital Success SaaS SEO Stands Out!

What is SaaS SEO? With the SaaS industry making rapid strides in recent years, now is the time to establish your brand in the market. But competing with other companies in your niche is easier said than done. This is where SaaS SEO comes to your rescue. SaaS SEO is the process of optimizing software-as-a-service […]

January 16, 2023

What New YMYL Guidelines could mean to the Future of SEO?

Google updates its search guidelines often to improve quality and make the search experience more rewarding. With an aim to keep SERP superior and trustworthy, Google has introduced several changes and more clarity around Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) results. The new definitions, prerequisites, and framework make the YMYL rules more intelligible and straightforward. […]

January 9, 2023

Time Tested SEO Strategies for Unprecedented SaaS Business Growth in 2023 & Beyond

SaaS companies are the ones that offer software for other businesses or directly to the customers as a service. These are the set of tools that ease complicated tasks within an organization, making their operations seamless. SaaS companies are amongst the fastest-growing market segments, as they get direct access to the global market. Moreover, these […]

December 29, 2022

Digital Marketing to Gen Z – How to do it the Right Way in 2023 & Beyond

Marketing had never been a one-dimensional templated approach. Every socio-economic group, gender class, age tier, generation, etc., with its subtle differences yet hard similarities, needs a unique strategy. The tactics that go on to influence one particular class give dismal returns for the other. And this is why you don’t speak the same language with […]

December 22, 2022

Is Local SEO Still Effective in 2023?

Local SEO is quickly becoming essential to any successful business’s online strategy. Gone are the days when companies could rely on a national or global SEO campaign to bring in customers. Instead, today’s consumers increasingly turn to their phones and search engines to find their needed products and services. According to an estimate, around 46% […]

December 15, 2022

Is Your Marketing Director Betting on the Right Content Marketing Agency in 2023?

According to recent statistics, over 5.03 billion people use the internet worldwide, and more than 4.7 billion are constantly active on social media. This represents a vast potential audience for businesses looking to promote their products or services. By utilizing the right digital marketing strategies, companies can reach and engage with their target audience more […]

December 7, 2022

How to Fix “Discovered – currently not indexed”? Google Search Console’s Most Searched Question

The phrase “Discovered – Currently Not Indexed” describes content discovered by a search engine but has not yet been crawled, indexed, and added to the search engine’s database. It is a term used to describe existing content that the search engine has not yet indexed. Mainly search engine optimization (SEO) agencies ensure this status for […]

November 24, 2022

Successful Digital Marketing Strategy Every Auto or Car Dealership Must Try in 2022 & Beyond

The global pandemic has affected almost every business vertical, and the auto or car industry has also got its share of downfall. Every dealer struggles with the fluctuating market and constantly looks for ways to survive and sail through. While a few businesses do make it through successfully, others end up closing due to lack […]

November 17, 2022

Expert Advice on Effectively Marketing Medical & Healthcare Products Through Digital Platforms

The greatest wealth in life is your health. No matter what luxuries you have, only a healthy body will give you perfect comfort. Hence, the demand for medical supplies and healthcare products never declines. Still, if you launch a new brand or product, it is a struggle to market them. The reason can be the […]

November 10, 2022

11 Easy & Effective Real Estate Digital Marketing Ideas to Overcome Looming Recession

Like any other business domain, real estate has its own challenges that leaves an ever-lasting impact. There can be plenty of reasons behind the looming recession, including inflation and changes in interest rates, and the list is never-ending. Moreover, even geopolitical reasons can affect the real estate sector, and the businesses comes crashing down. If […]

November 3, 2022

Metaverse Marketing ­- What Expert Marketers are Sharing on the Subject

Metaverse is believed to be the next dimension of the internet, where offline and online merge to create the most interactive, hyper-personalized, and immersive experiences. According to Statista, the global market revenue from Metaverse could hit $678 billion in 2030, from the mere $38.85 billion in 2021. Metaverse is a goldmine and quite possibly a […]

October 27, 2022

Digital Success Guarantees your Online Success with its Practical Experience with 2000+ Businesses

Founded in 1999, Digital Success is an interdisciplinary digital marketing agency in Dallas, Texas. The company reliably produces successful digital marketing campaigns that ensure high return on investment (ROI). The company’s mission is to drive efficient results for valued clients, specifically small and medium sized businesses. The company serves as the fastest-rising provider of online digital […]

October 20, 2022

Digital Marketing Roundup – Monthly SEO News & Updates September 2022

Are you pressed for time and would love to catch up on all the marketing news in less than 5 minutes? We are back with our monthly round-up where we cover the latest developments in Digital Marketing. This month’s highlights include major changes to Mobile Search, September core algorithm update, form tracking improvements in Google […]

October 13, 2022

Small Business Marketing Challenges and Ideas to Overcome Those in 2022 & Beyond 

Effective marketing forms the foundation of a successful business. Your strategies must be well-researched, and you must follow them consistently to get effective results. However, if your strategic plan has flaws, your business will not survive the competitive market, and you will never get desired revenue results. As marketing is a significant aspect, companies hire […]

October 6, 2022

8 Most Popular White Label Marketing Tools used by Digital Marketing Agencies Globally

In the age of personalization, every digital marketing company wants to acquire a white label tool. They don’t want the tool’s branding to stand out in their interactions with the client. From custom reports to branded SEO audits, marketing agencies utilize these tools to reinforce their identity. Anything they end up forwarding to the clients […]

September 15, 2022

Dutch SEO Services – SEO Guide on How to Rank High in the Netherlands

Over the years, the entire world has started shifting to online shopping; it has changed the market in plenty of ways. How businesses market their products and sell them is nothing like how it used to be. Dutch is also moving on the same path, with most buyers shifting to online platforms. They explore the […]

September 13, 2022

Digital Marketing Roundup – Monthly SEO News & Updates August 2022

Google has been quite active in August – announcing one of their biggest updates in over a decade – The ‘Helpful Content Update’, along with other minor tweaks and improvements here and there. If you were too busy to catch up with the latest news from Google and other search engines, which may affect the […]

September 8, 2022

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular Keywords for Construction Companies & Where to Use Them

We live in a day and age where traditional marketing methods don’t work as effectively, even for localized businesses like construction companies. Convenience is driving all prospect customers online and thus smart businesses are going digital too. For example, a person looking for construction/development services would put in something like this in a search engine […]

September 1, 2022

Dummies Guide to Social Media Branding in 2022

Social media has become the most crucial marketing platform for brands and businesses who want to promote their products or services. There are various platforms on which one can create profiles to stay in touch with the customers and run paid ads to reach the target audiences. The social media optimization strategy that brands use […]

August 25, 2022

Ahrefs vs Semrush: Which SEO Tool Is Better for Beginners & Small Businesses

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a strategy that helps you rank your website or the content higher on search engines. If you are on top of the SERPs, people will find you there and are more likely to associate with you. As the competition increases, every brand would want to stay in […]

August 18, 2022

Are You Aware of these 10 (un)Popular SEO and Digital Marketing Scams & Steps to Safeguard Yourself?

Let’s go by the statistics first! Almost 70% of businesses are offered search engine optimization services, if not more, once every week. Yes, that’s how crucial search engine optimization (SEO) has become. But, with the competition growing ever more than before and ranking being extremely difficult, business owners might get a bit impatient. That’s where […]

August 10, 2022

Digital Marketing Roundup – Monthly SEO News & Updates July’2022

With the ever-changing landscape of SEO, each new month leads the way to news and updates from the SEO industry and these affect your business in various ways. To stay up to date with the latest SEO trends, you either need to read a lot or subscribe to various newsletters. If you haven’t been able […]

August 4, 2022

Google’s Core Update May 2022: Why This One Has Rattled Global Results and What We Know So Far

Google Search’s Public Liaison Danny Sullivan announced the implementation of a broad core update to the search engine algorithm last May 25, 2022. So, what does this update mean? Although Google has constantly been changing their algorithm, small changes don’t usually make a significant difference. However, with the broad core algorithm update, changes are so […]

July 28, 2022

Rising Cost of Advertising Online – What options are left for SMBs in Hyper Inflated and Hyper Competitive Ad Spaces?

Social media has become an effective marketplace to advertise your products and services. Over the years, it has emerged as the domain where every business can find its target audience. Everyone uses digital platforms in some way or the other, making them the best place for advertisements. Brands run their online ads on these platforms […]

July 21, 2022

Digital Marketing Roundup – Monthly SEO News & Updates June’2022

Welcome to our monthly round-up of SEO News, which discusses trends, changes in search engine algorithms, tools and more – all updates that may affect your website’s search performance. June was a packed month, with the core algorithm update, changes to GSC reports & video indexing, new schema markup for academic videos and more. Let’s […]

July 14, 2022

50 Most Popular Small Business Marketing Keywords Searched in Google [US] Every Year

Small business owners often overlook the importance of marketing their products or services right, this hinders their growth and affects their potential customer base. If you are a marketing agency looking to offer your online marketing services to small business owners but are looking for the most efficient way to do so, you are at […]

July 7, 2022

What Do Top Marketers Know and Say About Elon Musk’s Digital Marketing Strategies?

What Do Top Marketers Know and Say About Elon Musk’s Digital Marketing Strategies? Elon Musk, the man behind PayPal, the Space X program, and Tesla, is one of the most recognized entrepreneurs in the world. He is in the league of Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and the rest of the evolutionary […]

June 30, 2022

Omnichannel Marketing – The Secret to Achieving Omnichannel Success is Unraveled

Omnichannel Marketing – The Secret to Achieving Omnichannel Success is Unraveled Looking at how consumer behaviors have drastically changed, there is no doubt the marketing landscape will continue to create a revolutionary formula to jive with it. Any legitimate digital marketing company would agree that increasing digital footprints is the answer to winning in this […]

June 23, 2022

11 Popular Digital Marketing Forums Every Marketer Must Know About!

11 Popular Digital Marketing Forums Every Marketer Must Know About! Digital marketers remain much aware of the latest occurrences relevant to their roles. New developments occur daily, and they strive to keep themselves updated with the current strategies. Nevertheless, in addition to being aware of current affairs, marketers should also participate in forums to expand […]

June 16, 2022

What is SEO Link Bait & 7 Ways SEO Services Do It Right (With Examples Updated 2022)

What is SEO Link Bait & 7 Ways SEO services Do It Right (With Examples Updated 2022) It is no secret that link bait has helped produce some of the highest-ranking web pages online. It is also no secret that this concept used by SEO services can be applied to your own sites to boost […]

June 9, 2022

Google Analytics 4 FAQs: Top SEO Company Provides Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on GA4 Globally

1. What is Google Analytics 4? Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of the free web analytics tool that you can use to measure traffic and user interactions on your website. GA4 is built on top of the same core code as Universal Analytics (UA), so they have many similarities. However, there are […]

May 26, 2022

Mobile SEO in 2022: Mapping Out the Changes in the Past Two Years of the Pandemic

Mobile SEO in 2022: Mapping Out the Changes in the Past Two Years of the Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed how people live, do business, and engage with brands. As a result, businesses have had to navigate significant challenges and adjust their operations to stay relevant to customers. Given the lockdowns and quarantines that […]

May 19, 2022

13 Most Followed Digital Marketing Blogs & Resources in 2022

13 Most Followed Digital Marketing Blogs & Resources in 2022 Staying current on industry news, trends, and best practices is integral to running successful marketing campaigns. The various blogs that address the digital marketing business—embracing issues and challenges from search engine optimization to content marketing to conversion intelligence—are excellent resources for staying on top of […]

May 13, 2022

How to Build Trust through Influencer Marketing in 2022?

How to Build Trust through Influencer Marketing in 2022? Influencer marketing is becoming increasingly prominent as social media grows in popularity. Those in their forties and fifties aren’t used to hearing about it. However, many millennials and Gen Xers aspire to be influencers. Marriott and Microsoft, two well-known international brands, have already recognised the enormous […]

May 6, 2022

50 Most Popular Social Media Keywords Searched in Google [US] Every Year

50 Most Popular Social Media Keywords Searched in Google [US] Every Year Social media has now become an important aspect of the marketing mix. The Internet has made it easier for people to find the services they need. People often search for the best keywords and find the best service that can provide them with […]

April 28, 2022

Why is Google not indexing my site? Things I tried & You too Could do to Fix

Why is Google not indexing my site? Things I tried & You too Could do to Fix Businesses often spend considerable time and effort in creating a perfect business website. Despite their best efforts, the website may fail to appear in Google search results. A key reason behind the same is that website does not […]

April 21, 2022

The Best Online Guide on Leveraging Internal Linking for Maximum SEO Returns

The Best Online Guide on Leveraging Internal Linking for Maximum SEO Returns When it comes to promoting a business online, companies primarily focus on getting better rankings on Google search result pages. While different factors impact website rankings, internal linking is perhaps the most critical. Internal links establish connectivity between the website content besides making […]

April 13, 2022

Digital Success Launches Specialist Staffing and Recruitment Services for Hiring In-House Digital Skills

Digital Success Launches Specialist Staffing and Recruitment Services for Hiring In-House Digital Skills Dallas, Texas – Leading multi-disciplinary digital marketing staffing agency, Digital Success, has launched its services for hiring in-house digital skills that aim to assist in hiring the best PPC, SEO, and social media skills in the market. The services staffing and digital […]

April 7, 2022

How to Leverage Content Marketing Matrix for Optimum SEO Returns

How to Leverage Content Marketing Matrix for Optimum SEO Returns Not only has Google confirmed the benefit of content marketing but every top-performing website uses content as a significant part of its SEO strategy. In fact, companies who blog get over 97% of links to their websites. I’ll be honest with you — there is […]

March 30, 2022

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular HVAC Keywords in the USA

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular HVAC Keywords in the USA Technology is evolving fast, making our lives more and more convenient. Home comfort systems have also come a long way, and homeowners always strive to have the best HVAC equipment in their homes. In the past decade, purchase trends have shifted towards […]

March 24, 2022

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular Web-Design Keywords in the USA

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular Web-Design Keywords in the USA You may have the most smartly designed website, but without effective marketing, it would struggle to reach out to its target audience. Need for effective marketing along with Web Design Skills You own a web-design business, are highly skilled at it but […]

March 17, 2022

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular Photography Keywords Searched in Google [US] Every Year

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular Photography Keywords Searched in Google [US] Every Year If you have a passion for Photography, a business to accompany it and are having a difficult time finding clients, search engines might have the answer to your plight. Nowadays, we all rummage through Google for every information – […]

March 10, 2022

Top Conversion Rate Optimization [CRO] Strategies & Best Practices to Watch For in 2022

Top Conversion Rate Optimization [CRO] Strategies & Best Practices to Watch For in 2022 Conversions happen only because of the perfect amalgamation of hard work and smart work. It begins with the design and development of the website. One must do it carefully to support the SEO and digital marketing strategies planned for business growth. […]

February 21, 2022

5 Smarter Ways to Conduct Keyword Research That Nobody Will Tell You About!

5 Smarter Ways to Conduct Keyword Research That Nobody Will Tell You About! As the name suggests, keywords play a key role in the marketing strategies of a website. Keywords are words or phrases that users generally type in the search bar of their browser’s search engines. In today’s advanced digitized era, people search the […]

February 17, 2022

SaaS SEO: An Actionable Strategy for SaaS Businesses Growth

SaaS SEO: An Actionable Strategy for SaaS Businesses Growth What Is SaaS SEO? The method of increasing organic traffic to a SaaS (Software as a Service) company’s website by getting top rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs) for a list of relevant keywords is known as SaaS SEO. Save Why Is SEO Important for […]

February 10, 2022

Have You Yet Tried These Much-hyped Law Firm Digital Marketing Tactics Recommended by The Experts?

Have You Yet Tried These Much-hyped Law Firm Digital Marketing Tactics Recommended by The Experts? To keep running and delivering legal services to your clients in 2022, your law business will most likely have to make a lot of adjustments that you didn’t expect. Last year, we all had to find new methods of doing […]

January 25, 2022

10 Steps to Create an Outstanding Social Media Marketing Plan

10 Steps to Create an Outstanding Social Media Marketing Plan Without the shadow of a doubt, a winning social media strategy defines the ways your brand can make success and withstand cut-throat competition. However, coming up with an effective social media plan is not just getting inspired by creative ideas on the internet and going […]

January 17, 2022

What Key Challenges Small to Midsize PPC Agencies Can Expect in the Year 2022 & Beyond

What Key Challenges Small to Midsize PPC Agencies Can Expect in the Year 2022 & Beyond Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising provides a double return on investment (ROI) for every dollar spent. PPC experts try to predict what trends will dominate the digital marketing landscape and what challenges may bring businesses to their knees to improve returns […]

January 10, 2022

Viewpoint on Post COVID Digital Healthcare Boom and How to Leverage Specialized Healthcare Marketing in 2022 & Beyond

Viewpoint on Post COVID Digital Healthcare Boom and How to Leverage Specialized Healthcare Marketing in 2022 & Beyond Over the last few years, we have experienced a boom in digital marketing, infusing almost all industries. However, with the global healthcare spending predicted to cross over $10 trillion mark in the upcoming year, you need to […]

January 6, 2022

How Digital Marketing for Auto Dealers is Going to be a Tough Nut to Crack in 2022 & Beyond in Light of the Latest Changes in Google?

How Digital Marketing for Auto Dealers is Going to be a Tough Nut to Crack in 2022 & Beyond in Light of the Latest Changes in Google? You must have often heard that if you fail to adopt digital in your marketing plans, you are sure to lose out. The automobile industry is an intermixing […]

January 3, 2022

Expert Advice & Tips on Optimizing Education Marketing Campaign in 2022

Expert Advice & Tips on Optimizing Education Marketing Campaign in 2022 Proper and good education is essential for every student. It is a passport for the future, as tomorrow belongs to those who start preparing for it today. Therefore, the education sector plays a significant role in the growth and development of any country. Today, […]

December 28, 2021

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular Health Industry Keywords Searched in Google [US] Every Year – SEO 2022 Giveaway

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular Health Industry Keywords Searched in Google [US] Every Year – SEO 2022 Giveaway When you’re ready to develop a Search Engine Optimization plan for your health website, the first step is to create a powerful keyword list. A keyword list is the foundation of any SEO plan, […]

December 22, 2021

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular Home Improvement Keywords Searched in Google [US] Every Year – SEO 2022 Giveaway

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular Home Improvement Keywords Searched in Google [US] Every Year – SEO 2022 Giveaway SEO is all about keyword research, which is the first and most important stage in launching a successful SEO campaign. After that, everything you do in SEO will be influenced and benefited by your […]

December 20, 2021

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular Pharmaceutical Keywords Searched in Google [US] Every Year – SEO 2022 Giveaway

Free SEO Keyword Research – 50 Most Popular Pharmaceutical Keywords Searched in Google [US] Every Year – SEO 2022 Giveaway Any successful digital marketing plan relies heavily on SEO, as it’s critical for every company that wants to have a strong online presence, but it’s especially important for pharmaceutical companies. The pharmaceutical industry has grown […]

December 15, 2021

Top Blogging Strategy For Your Business in 2022

Top Blogging Strategy For Your Business in 2022 The year is drawing to a close, and many businesses are preparing for the coming year. But even then, a new blogging strategy may not be one of the items on your to-do list. Nevertheless, it could be just what your business needs going forward. Chances are […]

December 9, 2021

What is E-A-T & Why It’s Important For SEO

What is E-A-T & Why It’s Important For SEO The SEO community started making a buzz about EAT back in the third quarter of 2018, August to be precise. Since then, countless SEO articles have mentioned it. And you might have heard from your SEO company and other sources that E-A-T is a vital ranking […]

November 22, 2021

Digital Success Takes Comprehensive Approach in Developing Robust Business Solutions: GoodFirms

Digital Success Takes Comprehensive Approach in Developing Robust Business Solutions: GoodFirms Digital Success is a multi-disciplinary digital marketing agency based in Dallas, Texas. It offers a unique model to small and medium-sized business owners who may or may not have their digital marketing team. By making their mission to provide results to their clients, the […]

November 3, 2021

Things to Do When Your Website or Online Identity Gets Copied – Mega Guidebook on Duplicate Content, Plagiarism & Identity Theft

Identity Theft & Content Theft: Are they same or different? Content theft and identity theft are two different types of online fraudulent activities that involve stealing someone else’s information, identity or digital intellectual property without their consent or knowing. Content Theft Content theft is a type of intellectual property theft in which someone steals and […]

October 25, 2021

Working With a Digital Marketing Agency Vs. Hiring in House

Working With a Digital Marketing Agency Vs. Hiring in House Scaling your entire business also means scaling up your marketing. Usually, you’ll have to enlist the services of talented marketers and industry experts to strategize and implement suitable marketing campaigns. But similar to other businesses, you’ll come to a crossroad where you’ll need to decide […]

October 20, 2021

12 Questions You Need to Ask Before Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

12 Questions You Need to Ask Before Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency The fact that you’re reading this probably means you’re contemplating the decision to partner with a digital marketing agency. It could be that you need a hand with the mounting marketing responsibilities, or you’re looking to scale with a marketing firm that will […]

September 15, 2021

What Are Some Recommended Content Marketing Strategies For Beginners?

What Are Some Recommended Content Marketing Strategies For Beginners? Chances are, if you know anything about digital media and the social media marketing realm, you might’ve come across the term ‘content marketing’, which at first glance, sounds like another one of those made-up terms that this nascent industry keeps chugging around. But, let us be […]

September 7, 2021

How to Improve Your Web Shop Performance: 6 Things That Can Easily Escape Your Attention

How to Improve Your Web Shop Performance: 6 Things That Can Easily Escape Your Attention Being a business owner is a hurdle of its own. You have to think about managing cash flow, taxes, hiring employees, and a million other things simultaneously. And with the Coronavirus pandemic still around the corner, the challenges keep mounting. […]

August 23, 2021

Good SEO Content vs. Bad SEO Content Top 5 Pointers

Good SEO Content vs. Bad SEO Content Top 5 Pointers There is a vast difference between good and bad SEO. Knowing the difference and effectively applying it will have a significant impact on whether search engines favor your website or not. Having a few SEO techniques under your belt isn’t enough. If you do not […]

August 9, 2021

The Ultimate Guide to Successfully Migrate a Website Without Hurting SEO Traffic

The Ultimate Guide to Successfully Migrate a Website Without Hurting SEO Traffic In a society dominated by digitalization, websites have gained unquestionable importance. Nowadays, every entity must have a digital presence in order to stand out in an increasingly competitive and voracious market. Websites are perhaps the point where all digital strategies converge, hence part […]

July 26, 2021

7 Content Mistakes that are Hurting Your SEO

7 Content Mistakes that are Hurting Your SEO “Content is the reason search began in the first place.” — Lee Odden We all are aware that one of the primary reasons why organizations invest in SEO is so that they can get a considerable digital footfall on their website and in turn increase their chances of earning […]

July 12, 2021

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy for Mompreneurs

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy for Mompreneurs As a mom, you already have a lot on your plate. From managing your kids, family, and home, you are also running your business efficiently.   However, when it comes to expanding your business, you cannot rely solely on the quality of your products. […]

July 8, 2021

Digital Marketing VS Traditional Marketing: Which is Better

The term “digital” was once used to designate a high-definition television transmission. Conventional advertisement depends on traditional media, and the sort of advertisement that we now refer to as “digital” seems to have no significance for advertisers. Let’s jump twenty years ahead. As per Internet Live Stats, a massive number of people all around the […]

July 2, 2021

20 Tactics to Try to Improve Your Blog Online Presence in 7 Days

20 Tactics to Try to Improve Your Blog Online Presence in 7 Days The digital world has seen increased traffic in recent times due to social distancing and lockdowns. As people can’t move out, the hours that everyone spends online considerably increased. As per a recent study, ever since the pandemic occurred, the time that […]

June 23, 2021

How to Tell If You Are Being Charged Right for the SEO Service by Your Agency?

How to Tell If You Are Being Charged Right for the SEO Service by Your Agency? Businesses, both large and small, need a strong online presence. Whether you use the services of an SEO agency or not, the internet presents massive marketing opportunities. Digital marketing can exponentially multiply business growth and open up distant markets […]

May 20, 2021

15 Popular Chrome Extensions That’ll Help Your Online Marketing Do Better

15 Popular Chrome Extensions That’ll Help Your Online Marketing Do Better Google Chrome continues to reign as the most popular web browser, with over 2.65 billion active internet users choosing it each month. There are several reasons why most marketers, workers, and web users, in general, choose Chrome.  One of these reasons being the varieties […]

May 12, 2021

A Comprehensive Guide on Google Penalties and How to Recover

A Comprehensive Guide on Google Penalties and How to Recover Have you ever been in a situation where your website isn’t getting the traffic it deserves despite the myriads of marketing and advertising efforts employed by your digital marketing agency?   As nightmarish as this scenario may seem, your website may be experiencing from the […]

April 29, 2021

5 Latest Google Ads Features And How to Make it Work For You

5 Latest Google Ads Features And How to Make it Work For You Google never stops releasing new updates and features to enhance the search experience through its algorithms and upgrades. For your SEO or PPC agency, keeping up with the constant changes can be challenging. But managing the learning curve can become the factor […]

April 22, 2021

Make Sure You Know These 4 Types of Search Queries Before Starting a Keyword Research For Your Business

Make Sure You Know These 4 Types of Search Queries Before Starting a Keyword Research For Your Business Search queries are one of the essential components of SEO. As any SEO expert or anyone who knows about keyword research would agree, finding the right words and phrases for your SEO or content strategy is integral […]

April 12, 2021

How to Recover a Missing Account in Google Tag Manager

No matter if you work in a digital marketing agency or an SEO company, you might have recognized the wealth of tools that Google offers to bolster your marketing efforts. From Analytics to Optimize, there is no shortage of resources to boost traffic to your sites. One such tool is called Google Tag Manager. The […]

March 25, 2021

Most Popular SEO Trends & Predictions by Top Influencers

It is a known fact that websites on the first page of Google receive a significant share of search traffic clicks from web users. This is evident in a recent Moz study which revealed that the first page of Google captures more than 70% of organic search traffic clicks. Achieving this feat requires none other […]

March 18, 2021

2021 Google Search Console Guide for Dummies

2021 Google Search Console Guide for Dummies If the aim is a thriving online business, you should measure your performance with particular metrics. For instance, if you launch an ad campaign, your concentration will be on the Return of Investment (ROI) and the performance. If it is a branding campaign, checking the results on revenue […]

March 15, 2021

Are You Leveraging Effectively these 7 New Features of Google My Business in 2021 for Your Local Business?

Are You Leveraging Effectively these 7 New Features of Google My Business in 2021 for Your Local Business? The global pandemic has been difficult for most of us. Many businesses have also suffered in this catastrophic phase. To lift off the load a little, Google has introduced many cool features to Google My Business (GMB). […]

March 10, 2021

What Is Intentional Marketing? Definition and Examples

What Is Intentional Marketing? Definition and Examples The primary goal of marketing is for your services or products to reach your customers effortlessly. People will get closer to your company, and that would probably change their lives too. But bringing people close is not that simple because you can’t predict their actions. What is predictable […]

February 16, 2021

How to Expand Your Business Reach Using Google Knowledge Graph?

How to Expand Your Business Reach Using Google Knowledge Graph? Google seeks to deliver results that better match users’ searches by making connections between search terms and a real-life context. Find out what Google Knowledge Graph is and how it can help your business. Google’s ability to accurately determine the searches that users make on […]

February 15, 2021

SEO for SaaS-based Companies in 2023 & Beyond

If you have a company that operates in the software as a service (SaaS) industry, your business thrives on digital marketing to acquire new customers. To maintain strong competition, you need constant efforts online to keep your current customers. That will prevent your competitors from snatching them away. Plus, acquiring leads increases the customer base, […]

February 12, 2021

7 Latest Content Marketing Strategies Practiced by Digital Marketing Experts Globally

7 Latest Content Marketing Strategies Practiced by Digital Marketing Experts Globally In today’s digital world, content is the new king. Digital marketers consider content as the lifeline of every business. It is the driving force that increases your website’s traffic and helps to convert leads. 80% of the marketers globally plan to spend more on […]

February 4, 2021

The Key to Creating a Winning Digital Marketing Strategy

The key to Creating a Winning Digital Marketing Strategy Digital marketing is an essential part of doing business in 2021. Yet, so many businesses and marketers are just scraping by with so-so strategy or no real strategy at all. Over time, this leads to more work, less return, and some understandable frustration. It’s time for […]

December 18, 2020

Watch out for these 11 signs if your SEO Company Is Helping or Killing Your Website in 2022

Watch Out For These 11 Signs If Your SEO Company Is Helping Or Killing Your Website In 2022 If you are reading this article, chances are you are planning to engage with an agency for SEO of your website for all good things which you have heard about SEO or maybe you already have an […]

December 9, 2020

5 Reasons Why You Should Worry Even More About Page Experience in 2021?

5 Reasons Why You Should Worry Even More About Page Experience in 2021? Google has officially announced that a new ranking algorithm called Page Experience will take effect in May 2021. However, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, they’ve decided to give a 6-month notice before rolling out the new update. The new ranking algorithm will […]

November 26, 2020

Should You Invest in Writing Content For Google or Social Media?

Should You Invest in Writing Content For Google or Social Media? For some time now, marketing experts have debated whether to invest in content writing for Google or social media. Most companies hire SEO agencies to expand their business through content marketing without realizing the potential of social media. On the other hand, some businesses […]

November 19, 2020

Why Invest in Paid Search to Thrive Your Business Sales During the Crisis

Why Invest in Paid Search to Thrive Your Business Sales During the Crisis Social distancing guidelines and shelter at home orders by state and local governments to slow the spread of the COVID-19 and minimize the risk of viral transmission means that millions of Americans are spending more time at home. This has led to […]

October 29, 2020

5 Digital Marketing Tips for Real Estate Businesses to Get Sales Growth in the Economic Crisis

5 Digital Marketing Tips for Real Estate Businesses to Get Sales Growth in the Economic Crisis We are currently dealing with the coronavirus pandemic which is mainly characterized by social distancing, and people staying at home. We are now in an economic crisis due to the global pandemic, and as with any economic downturn, many […]

October 12, 2020

Digital Success Awarded as Top B2B Company in Texas by Clutch!

Digital Success Awarded as Top B2B Company in Texas by Clutch! Digital Success is a multi-disciplinary marketing agency that offers a unique model to small and medium-sized business owners who may or may not have an internal digital marketing department. By making it our mission to drive results for our clients, we’ve been able to […]

October 8, 2020

7 Post Covid-19 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Drive the Future

7 Post Covid-19 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Drive the Future Digital marketing has become one of the best forms of marketing because people spend a significant amount of their time online. Generation Z, for instance, believes in new trends in social media and this makes it easy to market goods and services online. The […]

September 25, 2020

8 Ways to Grow your Local Business with Digital Marketing

8 Ways to Grow your Local Business with Digital Marketing In this advanced digital arena, most businesses are doing whatever they can do to stay on top. And the scope of traditional marketing is out of the picture and digital marketing has impressed its routes. If your local business made an appearance on the homepage […]

September 21, 2020

6 Key SEO Trends and Growth Statistics Every Marketer Should Follow During Post COVID 19

6 Key SEO Trends and Growth Statistics Every Marketer Should Follow During Post COVID 19 Things are gradually coming back to normal, well the new normal. For digital marketers, there is a new future and attention shift for digital marketers to remain relevant on the web. Do you know how many web searches are conducted […]

September 10, 2020

7 Reasons to Hire Digital Marketing Agency to Revamp Your Finance Company During the Economic Crisis

7 Reasons to Hire Digital Marketing Agency to Revamp Your Finance Company During the Economic Crisis Digital Marketing is crucial for the success of any company, business, or organization, especially finance companies, during an economic crisis. During this time, the development and implementation of an effective digital marketing strategy that identifies and provide solutions to […]

September 7, 2020

Why SEO Matters More Than Ever For Small Businesses During The Slow Season

Why SEO Matters More Than Ever For Small Businesses During The Slow Season Containment measures to curb the rapid spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) across the globe has led to the disruption of vital supply chains, resulting in a global economic downturn. This downturn has hit many small businesses very hard especially those in specific […]

September 3, 2020

Top 10 Influencers on LinkedIn and Twitter For Digital Marketing

Top 10 Influencers on LinkedIn and Twitter For Digital Marketing Following top influencers for Digital Marketing on social media (LinkedIn and Twitter) can be an amazing way to feel inspired and learn more about the industry you’re most interested in. If you want to learn more about digital marketing, take a look at our favorite […]

August 28, 2020

13 Small Business Marketing Strategies for Business Growth During and After The COVID-19 Crisis

13 Small Business Marketing Strategies for Business Growth During and After The COVID-19 Crisis The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every industry and changed the way we do things such as shopping, working, and even how we live. Now, more people than ever are working from home and shopping online. There are no social gatherings, thus […]

August 21, 2020

The Top 10 Ecommerce Marketing Trends to Increase Product Sales, According to the Experts

The Top 10 Ecommerce Marketing Trends to Increase Product Sales, According to the Experts Increasing your digital marketing profile in the current business climate is more important than ever, and there’s nowhere that it’s more apparent than in the world of ecommerce marketing. Save With interest in conventional retail spending starting to decline worldwide, there’s […]

August 13, 2020

How to Generate Leads & Thrive Your Sales During COVID-19 Pandemic

How to Generate Leads & Thrive Your Sales During COVID-19 Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world, leaving both public health and economies deeply affected by it. It is during these uncertain times that businesses are struggling to generate more leads and meet targets, mostly due to measures restricting non-essential travel and in-person activities. […]

August 10, 2020

50 Dental keywords you should not miss out to grow your business in 2020

50 Dental Keywords You Should Not Miss Out To Grow Your Business in 2020 Dentistry is an essential service and during this ongoing pandemic, people have been increasingly relying on the internet to look and book online for such services. It has, therefore, become crucial for service providers to make themselves easy to found by […]

August 6, 2020

The Ultimate Guide to Using Digital Marketing for Building Your Audience

The Ultimate Guide to Using Digital Marketing for Building Your Audience Philip Kotler, the father of modern marketing once said, successful sellers are concerned with the client first and the products later. This single sentence can truly explain the importance of having customers/clients for you to build your brand, sell your product, gain success, and […]

July 30, 2020

How Digital Marketing Can Revamp Your Restaurant & Thrive your Sales During COVID-19 Crisis

How Digital Marketing Can Revamp Your Restaurant & Thrive your Sales During COVID-19 Crisis The COVID-19 Crisis has changed the way we do business due to unforeseen circumstances. That’s especially true when it comes to restaurants, many of them were closed for the past few months and now they are reopening. Using the right restaurant […]

July 23, 2020

Essential Real Estate Digital Marketing Strategies to Get Growth in Sales Amid COVID-19

Essential Real Estate Digital Marketing Strategies to Get Growth in Sales Amid COVID-19 Introduction The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had a severe impact on different sectors of the global economy and the real estate market is not an exception. Restrictive measures to combat the virus spread has led to a halt in house viewings, even […]

July 16, 2020

Why the Automobile Industry Must Use Digital Marketing to Boost Their Business After Lockdown

Why the Automobile Industry Must Use Digital Marketing to Boost Their Business After Lockdown Introduction The performance of the US automobile industry in 2019 was relatively decent, with average auto sales at 16.9million, which is off from 17.3 million in 2018, and 17.23 million in 2017. Even though the total auto sales for consecutive years […]

July 9, 2020

13 Salon Marketing Trends During COVID-19 That Will Expand Your Business After Lockdown

13 Salon Marketing Trends During COVID-19 That Will Expand Your Business After Lockdown The COVID-19 pandemic brought in major challenges for salons. It got to the point where many of them were closed at least for a little while. The most important aspect now is to find the right way to perform marketing for salons. […]

July 6, 2020

5 Reasons Why Digital Marketing is Essential to Grow Your Startup Business

5 Reasons Why Digital Marketing is Essential to Grow Your Startup Business! With the world going online, a digital marketing strategy is a key you need to drive your business to success. Digitalization opens up a plethora of opportunities for you to raise your ROI, build your audience, and more. Additionally, for startup success, traditional […]

July 2, 2020

5 Digital Marketing Tips for Lawyers to Get Success & Beat the Impact of COVID-19

5 Digital Marketing Tips for Lawyers to Get Success & Beat the Impact of COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic took the world by storm and it affected most industries. Unfortunately, lawyers have also been affected by the lockdowns and virus spreading really quickly. However, this is the perfect time to work with a marketing agency and […]

June 26, 2020

9 Social Media Marketing Strategies to Thrive and Tide Over COVID-19 Global Crisis

9 Social Media Marketing Strategies to Thrive and Tide Over COVID-19 Global Crisis Human behavior, interests, and preferences are rapidly changing due to the unprecedented times caused by the global COVID-19 outbreak. Brands are now in panic mode as their previous marketing strategies are gradually becoming ineffective. This has sent marketers scrambling on ways to […]

June 23, 2020

List of Top keywords to Boost Your Local Restaurant’s Sales in 2020

List of Top keywords to Boost Your Local Restaurant’s Sales in 2022 COVID outbreak and resulting prevention measures have affected the hotel and restaurant businesses the most. Due to lockdown and social distancing measures put in place by the government in almost every nation, the restaurant businesses are finding it tough to stay afloat. Also, […]

June 18, 2020

The No-Fail Guide to Growing & Monetizing a Digital News Website in 2020

The No-Fail Guide to Growing & Monetizing a Digital News Website in 2020 At a recent conference I attended, a fine entrepreneur explained to me why growing a digital news website in 2020 is nothing short of an uphill task. Rightly so, with the conventional media investing big time in the digital realm and the […]

June 15, 2020

5 Digital Strategies to Help Restaurant Sustain and Grow During COVID-19 Crisis

5 Digital Strategies to Help Restaurant Sustain and Grow During COVID-19 Crisis In a bid to halt the rapid spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), several states and regions have taken a number of steps like imposing restrictions on non-essential businesses, closing public spaces, announcing social distancing guidelines and issuing stay at home orders. As restaurants […]

June 11, 2020

8 Savvy Social Media Marketing Strategies That Don’t Cost You A Fortune

8 Savvy Social Media Marketing Strategies That Don’t Cost You A Fortune Social media marketing requires a business to step out of its comfort zone. Over 90% of the businesses in the US use social media for marketing. What began as an entertainment platform has now evolved into a powerful and competitive marketing tool, transforming […]

How the Search is Changing During Coronavirus Pandemic: And How the Businesses Should Adapt to the Change

How the Search is Changing During Coronavirus Pandemic: And How the Businesses Should Adapt to the Change The currently happening situations of Coronavirus is no more unknown to any country and any humankind. The lifestyle of people is changing and so is the circumstances. People are forced to stay inside and move to online space […]

June 4, 2020

Tips to Leverage Google My Business for Your Local Business Growth During Covid-19 Crisis

Tips to Leverage Google My Business for Your Local Business Growth During Covid-19 Crisis The Covid-19 pandemic outbreak is having a severe impact on all the business types across the globe. This pandemic situation has not only changed our day to day routine but also changed the way brick-and-mortar businesses work. The critical situation caused […]

May 28, 2020

7 Simple Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners to Sail Smoothly through the COVID-19 Crisis

7 Simple Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners to Sail Smoothly through the COVID-19 Crisis The world is facing a health and economic crisis due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. This crisis is causing a variety of challenges, particularly for small businesses and young enterprises. Measures against the spread of the virus have forced a […]

May 22, 2020

From Surviving To Thriving: 5 Ways Digital Marketing Can Help Business Adapt to the Age of COVID-19

From Surviving To Thriving: 5 Ways Digital Marketing Can Help Business Adapt to the Age of COVID-19 It has been roughly two and a half months since the World Health Organization declared the Coronavirus outbreak a Pandemic. Since then, different countries around the world have taken several steps to halt the disease spread. This has […]

May 19, 2020

The Right Marketing Tactics For Growing Any Online Business During COVID-19

The Right Marketing Tactics for Growing any Online Business During COVID-19 In the earlier days, being found on the web did not involve a lot of technicalities. Unlike the present day, in which you need to know the length and breadth of digital techniques to rank up. The digital landscape is transforming. The most common […]

May 13, 2020

List Of 55 Most Popular Keywords For Growing Your Real Estate Business Post COVID!

List Of 55 Most Popular Keywords For Growing Your Real Estate Business Post COVID! Real estate is a big investment that people make, and it is also one-time mega-investment for most of the people in their lifetime. For all their real estate research, they rely on Google search engine. If you are a real estate […]

May 6, 2020

4 Reasons Social Media Marketing is a Blessing During the COVID-19 Period

4 Reasons Social Media Marketing is a Blessing During the COVID-19 Period Correct me if I am wrong, but I firmly believe – COVID-19 is here to give us some crude life lessons. It has pointed at the inefficacy of global healthcare. Along with this, the crisis has also hastened the digitization of work in […]

April 27, 2020

Top Reasons Why Digital Marketing Will Thrive in the Looming Recession Due to COVID Pandemic

Top Reasons Why Digital Marketing Will Thrive in the Looming Recession Due to COVID Pandemic The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has triggered not just a global health crisis but also a financial crisis. In a bid to control and contain the disease’s rapid spread, several countries have announced sweeping containment measures. These measures which are meant […]

April 22, 2020

Why You Should Invest In Digital Marketing to Grow During a Recession (When Your Competitors Aren’t!)

Why You Should Invest In Digital Marketing to Grow During a Recession (When Your Competitors Aren’t!) Introduction A lot of disruptive events happening in the global scene have raised fears about a looming economic crisis. Alarming predictions about a global economic recession has prompted businesses to brace for impact. And as a result, a lot […]

April 17, 2020

How To Expand Your Business During Social Distancing

How To Expand Your Business During Social Distancing  The Coronavirus pandemic just came out of nowhere. When it was talked about an epidemic in China in December and January, no one thought about it in other places in the world. However, fast forward to March 11, it was officially declared as a worldwide pandemic. New […]

Marketers Success Guide to Survival in the Era of Social Distancing + Free tools

Coronavirus outbreak has made the virtual marketing even more relevant as most of the businesses are struggling to survive and grow in this era of uncertainty and economic downfall.11 Questions to gauge Marketing & Sales readiness and identify gaps

April 13, 2020

5 Reasons To Stay Invested In Digital Marketing to Grow Your Online Presence During Coronavirus Lockdown

5 Reasons To Stay Invested In Digital Marketing to Grow Your Online Presence During Coronavirus Lockdown A lot of countries around the world are currently under some form of lockdown due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The quarantine measures put in place to contain and control the disease has disrupted the free flow of people, […]

April 9, 2020

COVID-19 and Its Implications On Your SEO Strategy

COVID-19 and Its Implications On Your SEO Strategy Introduction The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is rapidly redefining business models and changing consumer behaviour. As the disease continued to spread, countries announced several measures to contain the virus, by closing schools, shops, public spaces and point of entries. Save These containment measures are causing dramatic changes across […]

April 6, 2020

7 Ways to Make Remote Work, Work Successfully for Digital Marketing During COVID-19 Lockdown

7 Ways to Make Remote Work, Work Successfully for Digital Marketing During COVID-19 Lockdown Introduction The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has led various organizations to encourage their workers to work from home. This type of flexible work arrangement is a safety measure to protect employees from contracting or spreading the disease. Save The whole idea of […]

Coronavirus – The Bad, Ugly, Good and Great!

The whole of humanity as we are witnessing is spending an unprecedented amount of time on the internet than it ever has. Indicating, that the future is going to be a one, which has the internet and digital technology more intertwined with individual lives.
Such times of significant transitions unveil massive opportunities for businesses and people alike.
Economic experts and gurus of the planet have long advised businesses of all sizes to stay invested in technology and digital tools as these are going to better equip your organization to combat upcoming challenges.

March 27, 2020

7 Ways A Digital Marketing Agency Can Help You Expand Your Business

7 Ways A Digital Marketing Agency Can Help You Expand Your Business The way marketing and advertising are conducted for businesses has changed like night and day over the last few decades. Just a few decades ago, the way marketing was done for businesses was through newspaper and magazine advertising. Radio and television ads were […]

Infographic: 7 Best Ways to Get New Clients and Grow Your Law Firm

Infographic: 7 Best Ways to Get New Clients and Grow Your Law Firm  Save

March 17, 2020

Why Do You Need PPC Agency and What Can It Do to Grow Your Business?

Why Do You Need PPC Agency and What Can It Do to Grow Your Business? Introduction As the number of businesses who are shifting their operations online, in order to effectively provide web users with a varying degree of products and services increases, so does the level of competition. Although the internet is a vast […]

March 12, 2020

Top 15 SEO Trends For 2020 That Will Grow Your Business & Rank Your Website

Top 15 SEO Trends For 2020 That Will Grow Your Business & Rank Your Website  Creating a website is an easy thing, but maintaining its online presence is another aspect. As you publish your site in the virtual world, there are a few things that you have to know. Websites are one of the online […]

March 6, 2020

9 Definitive SEO Strategies to Boost Your Online Presence and Beat Your Competitors in 2020

9 Definitive SEO Strategies to Boost Your Online Presence and Beat Your Competitors in 2020 Introduction As the number of individuals who are getting to know more about the huge potentials of search engine optimization and its benefits increases, the playing field is going to become saturated. This ultimately means that for you, it can […]

February 27, 2020

7 Pitfalls of Bad Social Media Etiquette

7 Pitfalls of Bad Social Media Etiquette One would think that good social media etiquette is common sense. For anyone who has been around social media platforms for some time, you know social media etiquette is not so common after all. You may even be making these social media etiquette mistakes without you even realizing […]

February 20, 2020

Exploring Best Influencer Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Brand

Exploring Best Influencer Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Brand Until some 10 years back, the influencer marketing landscape was limited only to a few dedicated and professional bloggers and celebrities. Now, influencers are on the rise. They are even saturating markets and some are even engaged in fraudulent activities. That’s a leap, isn’t it? Fundamentally, […]

February 14, 2020

10 Tips for Landing Page Optimization and Conversion Rate Optimization for Your Business Online Success

10 Tips for Landing Page Optimization and Conversion Rate Optimization for Your Business Online Success In online marketing there are different ways to get the targeted action by the site visitor. One of the most important tools is the landing page. It is precisely adapted to these special needs and optimized accordingly. However, it can […]

February 12, 2020

Infographic: 5 Amazing SEO Tips for Online Success that eCommerce Websites Have Been Ignoring

Infographic: 5 Amazing SEO Tips for Online Success that eCommerce Websites Have Been Ignoring Save

February 7, 2020

How SEO Consultant Can Increase Your Sales and Get Keywords Ranked On the First Page

How SEO Consultant Can Increase Your Sales and Get Keywords Ranked On the First Page The ever-changing dynamics of Search Engine Optimization requires professional assistance in the acquisition and refining of certain skills and techniques that are fundamental in reaping its full benefits. Business owners who wish to increase the quality and quantity of traffic […]

February 5, 2020

Top 20 Growth Hacking E-commerce Marketing Tips for 2020

Top 20 Growth Hacking E-commerce Marketing Tips for 2020 Whether you own a small business or large retail, your business should have some marketing tactics for long term success. E-commerce marketing strategies are essential to stand out from the crowd. If you are running an ecommerce business, you already know why it is important to […]

January 28, 2020

12 Best Social Media Optimization Tips For Growing Your Brand Awareness

What is Social Media Optimization (SMO)? Social media optimization (SMO) is the art of making your brand’s social media content more visible and engaging. You can do this by creating high-quality content that your audience will love, using relevant keywords so people can find your content when they search for it, and promoting your content […]

January 22, 2020

10 Ways to Boost your Business Online

10 Ways to Boost your Business Online In this digital era, growing your business online is an easy task but only if you know the right methods. Irrespective of the industry, a website plays a crucial role as it is a powerful marketing tool. Designing your own responsive website will enhance your online presence and […]

January 14, 2020

Setting Proper Social Media Goals and Objectives Will Increase Website Traffic

Setting Proper Social Media Goals and Objectives Will Increase Website Traffic It is your social media goals and objectives that will help you to gain a lot of followers whom you can then drive towards your site to increase the traffic count. Therefore, you will need to set your social media goals and objectives properly […]

January 10, 2020

Why Social Media Is Important for Your Business Growth

Why Social Media Is Important for Your Business Growth For any business – whether it be a large corporation or a small “mom-and-pop” store – to succeed in today’s digital world, a social media presence is no longer an option. Social media has not only changed the way we do business but it opens previously-closed […]

January 6, 2020

9 Bad Digital Marketing Tactics & Habits to Leave for Your Business Growth in 2019

9 Bad Digital Marketing Tactics & Habits to Leave for Your Business Growth in 2019 The end to 2019 is not just the end of a year but a decade is about to come to a close. And there have been many changes over the past decade that have happened in the marketing world. That […]

December 30, 2019

How to Detect and Report Spam Backlinks & Grow Your Online Presence

How to Detect and Report Spam Backlinks & Grow Your Online Presence  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the best thing to happen to your content marketing campaigns. The advantages of Search Engine Optimization are tremendous. However, it does have its drawbacks. There is a dark side to the Search Engine Optimization concept known as the […]

December 26, 2019

SMM vs SEO: Which Strategy is Ideal & Successful in the Modern B2B Environment 2020

SMM vs SEO: Which Strategy is Ideal & Successful in the Modern B2B Environment 2020 As we are entering a new phase in the digital world, social media trends and techniques have become more diverse and innovative. The question often asked is how B2B marketers must transform themselves in the growing competition? Its answer is […]

December 23, 2019

7 Most Effective Social Media Marketing Tips for Financial Advisors to Grow & Gain a Competitive Edge

7 Most Effective Social Media Marketing Tips for Financial Advisors to Grow & Gain a Competitive Edge The days are long gone when the only way to advertise was through television, radio, newspapers, and magazines. The most effective way to advertise and market nowadays is through online methods such as SEO and social media. And […]

December 20, 2019

Infographic: 7 Tips To Get Social Media Marketing Right To Gain A Broad Audience

Infographic: 7 Tips To Get Social Media Marketing Right To Gain A Broad Audience Save

December 17, 2019

13 Must Read Local SEO Tips for Small Business Owners to Get Success & Outrank Your Competitors on Google

13 Must Read Local SEO Tips for Small Business Owners to Get Success & Outrank Your Competitors on Google There are plenty of pros when it comes to owning a small business, but there are always things to be mindful of. Especially when it comes to building a clientele. Old ways of advertising such as […]

November 28, 2019

Why Social Media Integration with Website is Important For Growing Your Business Online?

Why Social Media Integration with Website is Important For Growing Your Business Online? We all know how much of a big deal, social media has become, it provides endless opportunities for brands. Many luxury brands are already using social media to their advantage for both commercial and non-commercial benefits. They do this through social media […]

November 22, 2019

Content Marketing Trends to Know Before 2020: Infographic To Grow Your Online Business

Content Marketing Trends to Know Before 2020: Infographic To Grow Your Online Business Save Author bio: Jack Leo is a professional digital marketer who is working for inGenious Guru. He is an avid gamer who spends his nights taking on any challenger he finds in all leading FPS games.

November 12, 2019

8 SEO Tools to Slay the Competition and Grow Your Online Business

8 SEO Tools to Slay the Competition and Grow Your Online Business SEO tools can be used for everything from testing different versions of the same webpage to designing email campaigns. They can be used to spy on your competitor’s strategies and weeding out their faults to refining your own. Hence, they allow you to […]

October 22, 2019

The #1 Successful SEO Strategy Where Competition Is Virtually Nonexistent

The #1 Successful SEO Strategy Where Competition Is Virtually Nonexistent What if I told you that there’s an easier way to climb to the top of Google? Where all you needed to do was follow a simple strategy that would allow you to get traffic sooner (as opposed to later). And to make things even […]

October 18, 2019

Digital Success is a Proven Success on Clutch!

If your website needs a visibility boost, you’re probably contemplating whether or not you should invest in PPC ads or SEO. Odds are, you should.  According to a recent survey, 63% of people said they’d click on a Google ad. That’s an entire audience your business should be targeting. On top of that, for every […]

October 14, 2019

9 Reasons Why You Need SEO Agency to Increase Your Online Business Visibility

9 Reasons Why You Need SEO Agency to Increase Your Online Business Visibility When you are looking to hire a marketing agency such as the elite and professional Dallas SEO agency to help improve your online visibility for your business, you will want to make sure that you have an SEO campaign set up. You […]

September 30, 2019

7 Essential Lead Generation Hacks Every PPC Agency Should Know to get Consistent Growth

7 Essential Lead Generation Hacks Every PPC Agency Should Know to get Consistent Growth When a business hired a digital marketing company to help them bring in more leads, there are various internet marketing practices that help make that happen. Businesses hire digital marketing agencies to help them improve their SEO on their websites so […]

September 24, 2019

9 Undeniable Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Social Media Marketing Agency

9 Undeniable Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Social Media Marketing Agency When we are talking about the online presence of your business, then we are talking about Social Media Marketing. More than 90% of all the marketers claim than social media marketing has increased their business. They would also say that social media is the real power […]

September 18, 2019

7 Effective Tips for Hiring the Right Digital Marketing Agency That Increase Sales & Converts Your Business into Brand

7 Effective Tips for Hiring the Right Digital Marketing Agency That Increase Sales & Converts Your Business into Brand Branding is a concept that is not all that new but has been talked about often just recently.  And when you have a business and need to do something to improve the branding, you will not […]

August 30, 2019

7 Growth Hacking Tips to Drive Massive Traffic and Generate Leads with Real Estate SEO

7 Growth Hacking Tips to Drive Massive Traffic and Generate Leads with Real Estate SEO Purchasing a home is the largest purchase that anyone can make even more so than a car or a boat. There is a good chance that those who are purchasing a home will need to take out a mortgage, and […]

August 27, 2019

7 Reasons Why Hiring an Online Marketing Agency is Necessary for Restaurants Growth

7 Reasons Why Hiring an Online Marketing Agency is Necessary for Restaurants Growth Everyone is aware of how quickly technology is evolving. And with that said, the ever-changing technology has an influence on the way businesses run. That is why, along with evolving technology, the way that businesses are marketed is also evolving. Old school […]

August 14, 2019

6 Digital Marketing Strategies Every Law Firm Should Be Using for Growing in a Legal World

6 Digital Marketing Strategies Every Law Firm Should Be Using for Growing in a Legal World Legal practice and consultation are one of the most competitive industries online. That’s why, if you own a law firm and you have an online presence, it is important to be one step ahead of the competition. These days, […]

July 29, 2019

7 Reasons Why Digital Marketing is Essential for Healthcare Professionals Business Growth

7 Reasons Why Digital Marketing is Essential for Healthcare Professionals Business Growth The world is changing fast, and it’s not slowing down for anyone. Some of these changes affect everything in the world, from the way we do things to the way we think. As a result of these changes, communication has taken a different […]

July 24, 2019

5 Signs Your Law Firm Needs a New SEO Agency For Your Brand’s Online Success

5 Signs Your Law Firm Needs a New SEO Agency For Your Brand’s Online Success Before discussing the importance of an SEO Agency, it is necessary to understand what an SEO agency does. Search engine optimization is the technique to propel an organization to the top of a page in a web search, which in […]

July 22, 2019

The Importance of Evergreen Content for your Business Growth

The Importance of Evergreen Content for your Business Growth Building a marketing strategy around “evergreen content” ensures that your content stays relevant year-round, much like how evergreen trees retain their green color no matter the season. Although holiday campaigns and targeted advertisement can certainly produce an impressive return on investment (ROI) if executed well, you […]

July 16, 2019

5 Steps To Plan A Successful Digital Marketing Strategy For Accounting Firms

5 Steps To Plan A Successful Digital Marketing Strategy For Accounting Firms Every company must develop a marketing strategic plan in order to create a presence so they can not only become visible but a plan must be in place for each firm to reach a set of goals. And the fact of the matter […]

July 11, 2019

Case Study: Dealing With Unnatural Links And Penalties & Preventing Damage To Ranking Growth

Case Study: Dealing With Unnatural Links And Penalties & Preventing Damage To Ranking Growth What kind of unnatural links did you have to deal with? We faced this penalty attack on one of our client’s website. It is a popular website selling home garden and backyard lake care products. The project came to us after […]

June 26, 2019

Top 5 Secrets to Increase Your Finance Audience with Social Media

Top 5 Secrets to Increase Your Finance Audience with Social Media Many financial advisors have been hesitant to use social media to help grow their businesses due to the fact that they feared for breaking the rules and regulations of the financial industry. However, the good news is, once those in the industry understand how […]

June 20, 2019

7 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Facebook Ad Agency for Your Small Business and Grow Exponentially

7 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Facebook Ad Agency for Your Small Business and Grow Exponentially  If you have been managing your Facebook ads since the beginning and are comfortable with the results it has brought, then, by all means, do keep it going. However, if you think you could use some help and […]

June 14, 2019

5 Key Things To Consider Before Hiring A Dallas Pay Per Click (PPC) Agency For Growth Hacking Your Campaigns

5 Key Things To Consider Before Hiring A Dallas Pay Per Click (PPC) Agency For Growth Hacking Your Campaigns  A lot of businesses & companies find comfort in the ease and convenience accorded to hiring of agencies specialized in the management of their Advertisements and Campaigns via the Pay Per Click Model. Pay Per Click […]

June 10, 2019

Magnify Your Business’s Visibility with Local SEO

Magnify Your Business’s Visibility with Local SEO Introduction As a local business, it is extremely important for you to rank higher on the Local SEO rankings. While there might be many ways you can use to rank higher, it is best that you contact a well reputed Local SEO service provider.  In addition, you must […]

May 21, 2019

Top 10 Healthcare Digital Marketing Tips That Ensures Success!

Top 10 Healthcare Digital Marketing Tips That Ensures Success!   In the era of digitalization, almost all industries are incorporating changes to meet the demands of the day. Healthcare digital marketing is no different when it comes to innovation, advancements in the technologies and digitalization. In fact, healthcare online marketing has also started affecting the […]

April 12, 2019

7 Questions to Ask Social Media Marketing Agency Before Hiring Them for Your Business Growth

7 Questions to Ask Social Media Marketing Agency Before Hiring Them for Your Business Growth Social media has become one of the most popular activities for online users. It only makes sense that your business targets both individuals and businesses through the various social media platforms available. Save Facebook has over two billion users making […]

April 10, 2019

Digital Success Named an Industry Leader on Clutch

The marketing challenges of today have similar characteristics as those of yesterday, the desire to get noticed and look good while doing so are universal, but the scene has changed. Firms in markets across the world compete for top spots in search results, hoping to be noticed by their audience, and a burgeoning industry has […]

March 20, 2019

Ultimate Technical SEO Audit Checklist, with 5 New Checks Which are Going to Matter in 2019 for Consistent Growth

Ultimate Technical SEO Audit Checklist, with 5 New Checks Which are Going to Matter in 2019 for Consistent Growth When most businesses think about technical SEO, they automatically make the assumption that they have no clue what it is. In reality, they may be using techniques of technical SEO within their marketing strategy without even […]

March 13, 2019

5 Growth Hacking Digital Marketing Plan Every Law Firm Should Know

5 Growth Hacking Digital Marketing Plan Every Law Firm Should Know The need for law firms to have online visibility is more than ever before. They have several competitors and the need to stand out is one that is dire. As a result, the law firm might hire a digital marketing firm, but SEO for […]

March 11, 2019

Seven Closely Guarded Secrets on Mastering Facebook Social Media Advertising For Growing Your Brand Awareness, Never Revealed Before!

Seven Closely Guarded Secrets on Mastering Facebook Social Media Advertising For Growing Your Brand Awareness, Never Revealed Before! Is your Facebook Advertising agency not able to generate traffic that impacts your marketing goals? Perhaps they’re not doing everything or enough to help you meet your marketing goals in 2019.  You need to work with a […]

February 10, 2019

7+1 Content Marketing Trends 2019 – Infographic for Growing your Online Business

7+1 Content Marketing Trends 2019 – Infographic for Growing your Online Business  In 2019, Content still remains at the core of all your digital and social marketing efforts. Its importance seems to grow from one year to the next. These are some of the new content marketing stats and trends in market: eMarketer mentioned  “In […]

February 8, 2019

7+1 Growth Hacking Content Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore

7+1 Growth Hacking Content Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore We are still in the early days of 2019, which makes it a perfect time to rethink your content marketing strategy. Content still remains at the core of all your digital and social marketing efforts. Its importance seems to grow from one year to the next. […]

February 6, 2019

What is it Really That an SEO Agency Can Do For Your Business Growth? – Digital Marketing Pro Edition

What is it Really That an SEO Agency Can Do For Your Business Growth? – Digital Marketing Pro Edition When we work for a digital marketing company, SEO seems to be imperative. But when I speak to my clients and prospects, who are small and mid-sized business owners, they have a common question and concern […]

January 25, 2019

10 Dominant Web Design Trends to Grow your Business in 2019

10 Dominant Web Design Trends to Grow your Business in 2019 New year is a good time to stay updated with all the trends that matter to your business and web design trends are no exception. So, I’m right here to encapsulate the top 10 web design trends that your website must adopt to stay […]

January 18, 2019

Measuring the success of your digital marketing campaign – 2019 Edition

10 Key Metrics That All Business Owners Should Monitor All The Time To Evaluate and Effectively Tweak Their Digital Marketing Campaigns Market dynamism and unpredictability conundrum The digital marketing age has rendered a great amount of unpredictability in the market conditions. New technologies are creeping in, trends are changing often than ever, which makes it […]

January 9, 2019

How Can You Better Optimize Your Content For Dominating Voice Search and Grow Your Business?

Here are some content optimization tips that can help you raise your game and be prepared for voice search, the inevitable future of searching. I still remember the time when Voice Search came into being. People used to find it awkward to speak to a device. It was rather an interesting concept that excited new […]

January 2, 2019

The Aerial Power of Online Quizzes and Why Should You Embrace Them for Success?

A couple of weeks ago, I came through this SEO quiz published on Search Engine Land by Eric Enge. I’m a great fan of Eric Enge and Mark Traphagen’s SEO knowledge, and the contribution Stone Temple Consulting made in the industry. This specific quiz is very tough yet a fun. I scored 14 out of […]

December 31, 2018

Digital Success Ranked as a Clutch Design Leader!

The internet is a vast and awe-inspiring space, it can be easy to find yourself lost among an ever-growing collection of people competing for the limited attention of a busy audience. Right now, you might not be just where you want, but we can get you there. Our services help you cut to the front […]

December 26, 2018

5 SEO Trends for Small Business Owners to Increase Traction

SEO will become more important in 2019. It is not going to be dead, in fact, SEO will become more important. Small businesses, as much as big brand names, need a solid SEO strategy. It is imperative, more than ever, for small businesses to stay visible in local search. Save Image Source: When the […]

December 24, 2018

Digital Success Named a Clutch Global Leader!

At Digital Success we know that marketing is essential and can’t just be some discrete section of your business. Every piece of design that goes into your company is also a piece of marketing, something that potential customers and clients will look at and use to make assumptions about who you are and how you […]

December 19, 2018

What happens after you’ve created buyer persona? 5 tips to use buyer personas to drive your business growth

There are several tips, guides and online help to create buyer personas. There was a blog related to How to Create a Buyer Persona for Digital Marketing where the aspects related to creating buyer persona were extensively covered. Buyer personas helps you understand your customers better and understand what makes your prospects tick and how […]

December 12, 2018

12 mistakes that most content marketers are committing that are Poisoning Your Growth(and which can be avoided easily)

Irrespective of the year, every business owner wishes to build a profitable business online. Over the years, every digital marketing specialist has been saying that ‘content is king’, and they continue to say so. Trends show that more than 80% of online buyers rely on content before buying something online. This is exactly the reason […]

December 5, 2018

10 Innovative Approaches to Develop Your Content Marketing Strategy

Enterprises across the globe are putting in a lot of efforts into creating high-quality content. The reason for their impetus on content is because of the popularity that good content has among their target audience. They want to explore all possibilities of content marketing to reach out to them with the message. If you are […]

November 28, 2018

Digital Marketing Old Blog Posts 2015 – 2018 to Flourish Your Business

Something Missing in Your 2015 Digital Marketing Strategy? So you have been executing all that was planned as per the 2015 Digital Marketing Strategy, which was developed so meticulously. But the results have not been as planned. It includes all the parameters that should work in the given scenario but what could be the missing […]

November 21, 2018

SEO Trends in 2019 – 7 top SEO Trends to ensure that you stay ahead of the curve next year

We’re heading towards the end of the year and it’s time to start making plans that can drive your online sales and business growth. It’s time you evaluated the upcoming trends for the year to come. You want to be ahead of the trend rather than get surprises that pushes you out of competition. Keep […]

November 14, 2018

Top 5 social media trends that will make your brand popular on social media platforms

You can’t separate social media from your business marketing strategy. In 2019, you can only make it better. You are now aware that you need a solid social media strategy, but the challenge is that social media trends are so every changing that it’s tough to keep up and change your strategy every now and […]

October 31, 2018

Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends in 2019 that are doable, actionable and practical

I read a few blogs related to Digital Marketing Trends in 2019, and I could feel my head spin around. Some of the trends are real but some of them are just fluff. If I, as a Digital Marketer, can feel so overwhelmed with these Digital Marketing trends, I can’t start to imagine how business […]

October 24, 2018

Why your Facebook Advertising campaign is not yielding results? Here’s what you need to do to get impressive results and grow your business online

Facebook Advertising is probably the biggest area that is ignored when it comes to social media advertising alternatives. In one of our blogs titled ‘A guide to Facebook Advertising’, the right way to conduct Facebook campaigns was discussed. Facebook Advertising is supremely important when it comes to advertising platforms on social media channels. Save Image […]

October 18, 2018

5 Digital Marketing Trends that can help you lead the market in 2019

Your challenge is not only to find the right Digital Marketing company in Dallas, but also to find a way to keep up with the latest Digital Marketing trends before your competitors. Digital Marketing is dynamic, so it helps boost brand awareness and sales, only if the latest trends and strategies (that are relevant to […]

October 10, 2018

Struggling to generate high quality leads? Perhaps you’re not doing your SEO right

High quality lead generation Did I just mention the most painful area for your business? Even the best of SEO agencies or digital marketing efforts haven’t been able to generate quality leads to enhance your pipeline or your sales. Perhaps the reason is this – you’re not doing SEO right. If you’re using a SEO […]

October 3, 2018

9 Ways to Boost Local SEO in 2019

Local SEO is an intense and vital part of internet marketing. Search engines are getting updated with constant algorithm changes and updates. In this post, we’ll clarify what local businesses need to do to get themselves seen via search engines. Yodle found that 82% of US shoppers utilize local organizations, and that they utilize them […]

September 26, 2018

How are Thriving Digital Marketing Agencies in Dallas planning their Content Marketing Strategy in 2019?

What? Already? Are we already thinking and talking about 2019 and the strategies to be used next year? It seems like it was only recently when I wrote the 2018 content marketing trends or the 4 Content Marketing hacks to double your leads. But trends in the digital marketing industry change fast. And it doesn’t […]

September 19, 2018

Why are consumer sentiments important for your search engine rankings?

Bing has already done it. They use sentiment analysis for featured snippets and obviously how can Google be left behind?   No one likes negativity even if its online. Don’t worry, I’m not here to give you a self-help guide on spreading positivity, but emphasize that in a digitally driven world, the sentiments (positive or […]

September 12, 2018

A Guide To Press Release Distribution For Small Businesses To Grow Exponentially

Are you a small business owner wanting to get more exposure? If so, you should consider looking into a press release distribution campaign. Press Release Distribution has been a staple of public relations for decades now. And even though new PR and marketing techniques have sprung since the dawn of digitalization, Press Release Distribution has […]

September 5, 2018

How to Find the Best Online Marketing Agency in the US for Growing your Online Business

It is tough to choose the best digital marketing agency for your marketing requirements. There are a handful of agencies but to pick the best digital marketing agency in Dallas will require more than just guess work. Don’t you wish there was a magic wand that could magically evaluate your business requirements and make the […]

August 28, 2018

Digital Success Agency is one of the finalists in the BBB Torch Awards for Ethics 2018

The award recognizes companies with transparency, commitment and integrity as their guiding principle. It recognizes companies that are trusted by their clients, employees, partners and vendors for their fair and transparent practices. Dallas, August 28, 2018, Digital Success Agency is a Dallas-based digital marketing firm servicing local clients and across US. The firm provides expertise […]

August 22, 2018

How will Artificial Intelligence boost a more intelligent SEO future?

It was back in 1940s that Search Engine Optimization or SEO came into being. There were a few hundred websites then. Fast forward to today’s time and age, there are a billion websites and the subject of SEO is more complicated than ever. There are breakthroughs in every field and SEO is no exception. You […]

August 14, 2018

Top 10 marketing essentials for Ecommerce website to skyrocket conversions

Your ecommerce website looks great, but it just isn’t enough. It’s not enough since it’s not getting you the traffic that can potentially turn into your customers. Pause and ask yourself the following questions. Do you have a strategy that can boost your website traffic? Do you know how customers perceive your ecommerce website? Are […]

August 8, 2018

Top 10 Digital Marketing Myths Busted that Claims Business Growth

I wouldn’t be off the mark to say that business strategy and digital marketing are intertwined. While digital marketing is an integral part of the overall marketing strategy, it must be considered as the major part of the strategy. Every business, irrespective of their size, is trying to achieve a precision that is related to […]

August 1, 2018

5 Simple Tweaks To Take Your CTAs From Good To Great – Grow your Content Marketing Skills

When was the last time that you filled out an online contact form? Have you ever called a company from its mobile website? In each of these cases, you were probably responding to a CTA (call to action). A company motivated you to complete an action, and you did it. In today’s business world, calls […]

July 25, 2018

Digital Success Declared Super Digital SEO Division

While most digital agencies will shield you from their prices and exaggerate results, we skip the song and dance and go straight to the rodeo–and it ain’t our first rodeo. For many years now, we have been maximizing our clients’ ROI’s and taking advantage of our superior abilities to enhance our clients’ market share. And […]

July 18, 2018

Social Media ROI – Social Media Metrics that your marketer is hiding from you but are vital for flourishing your business

Social Media seems like fun but not all that fun when your manager tells you to show the numbers. Numbers matter but not all numbers matter. We’re talking about social media metrics that matter. Social Media is a brilliant marketing tactic to get an insight on customer demographics, emotional reactions in real time and much […]

July 11, 2018

7 Best Ways to Grow Your Law Firm and Get New Clients

Why can’t we talk about online marketing strategies for lawyers in the same breath as other domains? Primarily, since the way online marketing should be done for legal entities is different. It’s a domain that requires vertical knowledge in the legal firm marketing techniques rather than just have come knowledge about Digital Marketing techniques. Sadly, […]

Digital Success Ranked #1 Digital Marketing Agency in Dallas by Clutch!

Market research platform Clutch and their sister site, The Manifest, just produced an annual report highlighting their best agencies and developers in Dallas. We are excited to announce that Digital Success was ranked by Clutch as being one of the leading digital marketing agencies in Dallas – in fact, we are rated #1! In addition […]

June 27, 2018

6 tips to effectively revive and rise from your failing Digital Marketing Strategy in 2018

If you haven’t been able to leverage your Digital Marketing Plan in 2018, it’s time you evaluated it immediately. Hopefully your plan critical aspects like how much do you wish to spend on Digital Marketing, the channels that you wish to optimize and if you want to make an investment in new technology or not. […]

June 20, 2018

10 top issues that are destroying your PPC campaign (and how to fix them for your online business growth)

You’ve been investing in PPC ads but it’s no longer yielding any results. The reason? You or your PPC marketer aren’t keeping up with the current trend. The solution? Awareness, time and effort to readjust your optimization strategy can help you get better results. In our last blog on PPC, How to Tell if Your […]

June 14, 2018

The complete guide to writing ‘perfect’ blogs to get you high rankings, grow traffic, conversions and brand recognition

Save Is there anything like a SEO-friendly blog? What should be the ideal length of your blogs for SEO? Is there anything like a perfect blog? What are the ways to search engine optimize your blog content? Let’s start with some basic questions and find all the answers. What is a perfect blog? Is there […]

June 7, 2018

What are the 10 most effective steps to develop a perfect social media marketing strategy for your brand?

Social Media has changed a lot of things. Whether you’re a small business, mid-sized or a large, it’s something that you must include in your marketing strategy. If you think it’s not required, your consumers don’t think the same. Social Media is about democratizing your brand and making it more reachable for your consumers. Consumers […]

May 31, 2018

5 Thriving Areas for a Perfect Strategy for SEO in Universities and Schools

Each new fiscal year requires universities and school to set up a refreshed marketing plan. SEO is a critical aspect of this plan, and in case it’s not, you must. You can’t afford to not have search engine ranking when most of the people are searching on desktops, some other devices or mobiles. If you’ve […]

May 23, 2018

5 Digital Marketing Growth Tactics that Every HVAC Company Owner Needs to Know to Get Success

Every industry consumes digital marketing in a different manner and HVAC industry is no different. For HVAC marketing to work, you must ditch the yellow pages, postcards and direct mails. Well, we’re still not asking you to ditch these traditional marketing methods completely but you must readjust your priority list and think of digital marketing […]

May 16, 2018

Achieve guaranteed double-digit business growth for your salon business with Local SEO Services

The business of looking good is tough. Digital Marketing for Salons is not cakewalk due to the nature of the business itself. It is highly competitive and is largely dependent on impressive ratings and positive reviews. With most of the customers getting online or using their devices for professional services, salons must take digital marketing […]

May 9, 2018

7 Growth Hacking Digital Marketing Trends that Every Automotive Dealer Must Know

There was a time when customers went from one dealer to another searching for that perfect car model and negotiating for the lowest price. People were mostly loyal to a local dealership. But the future of the automotive industry is undergoing a phenomenal change. Emerging technologies are waiting to completely disrupt the automotive industry, and […]

May 2, 2018

5 Digital Marketing Trends That Can Increase the Qualified Leads in the Real Estate Industry

I hear people from the real estate industry often say that it’s getting highly competitive for them. Isn’t that true for all industries? As an experienced digital marketing agency, we understand that the realtors face a huge competition from big real estate giants (in case they’re a mid-sized company) as they have a sizeable marketing […]

April 25, 2018

Why do Urgent Care service providers need to reconsider their Digital Marketing tactics today for sustaining online growth?

Save Image Source: The $14.5 billion Urgent Care Industry is growing at 5.8% annually in US.  The main reasons attributing to this growth are aging US population, increase in insured people, lack of access to primary care and an increase in the demand of accountable care. Even though the urgent care industry is growing […]

April 11, 2018

Everything you need to know about making a winning Digital Marketing Plan for MSPs

Besides everything else, Marketing is also undergoing a lot of change. Digital Marketing is no exception. We’ve been talking, in our blogs, how next gen technologies are impacting the way digital marketing is done or will be done in the future. The magic mantra for brands has changed from ‘staying at the top’ to ‘providing […]

April 5, 2018

5 Threats to Your Brand’s Online Success and How to Overcome Them

The Internet is full of possibilities to develop your brand, gain new customers and become more popular on your local market. Constant improvements to your online presence have become a kind of a survival tactic for most marketers. They just keep producing content, making links and throwing money for paid advertisement, without considering that all […]

March 28, 2018

10 Social Media Best Practices That Will Make Your Nonprofit Organization Popular and Hence Grow Your Business

Non-profit social media strategy addresses challenges at various levels. For example, it helps to propagate the cause of the nonprofit organization. Social media for NGOs is also useful to spread the word about their fundraising campaigns and new initiatives. Social media is perfect for nonprofit organizations since it’s an excellent medium to tell your story […]

March 21, 2018

5 local SEO best practices that can skyrocket walk-ins for your law practice

Local SEO can do some amazing things for lawyers. But wait, you thought your strategy concerning SEO for lawyers was enough and that’s all you must consider when you talk about digital marketing for legal professionals. The news is that you just can’t rely on SEO for attorneys and lawyers alone. The competition is too […]

March 14, 2018

How to Ensure Your Pages are Not Low Quality as they Directly Impact any Business Growth

When people talk to me about their websites and what they need to do to rank better I can normally come up with three of four pointers that can make an almost immediate impact to their websites performance just by simply looking at the website in front of them. Every business can assess and resolve […]

March 8, 2018

7 Winning Digital Marketing Trends that will Bolster the Sales Funnel and Boost Sales for Financial Service Providers

Why is it suddenly important to consider a wholistic digital marketing approach for the financial industry? Is SEO for financial industry not enough? It is no longer enough to just have SEO as customer expectations have changed. Survival and growth will belong to the one who will adopt the digital trends and evolve the fastest. […]

February 28, 2018

15 SEO Tricks and Growth Hacks to Make Your Healthcare SEO Yield Awesome Results

SEO for healthcare has become imperative. Don’t believe us? Here are some statistics. There was a study that revealed that more than 80% patients search for their doctors/ dentists or hospital on Google It also added that online top search results can drive 3 times more patients to hospitals than the ones that are pushed […]

February 14, 2018

10 SEO tips to drastically increase walk-ins to your restaurant

When the Internet did not exist, restaurateurs heavily relied on word of mouth, print-media ads and walk-in traffic to make their restaurant or café run. But then came social media, smartphones and of course Google. Yes, Google is important. It accounts for more than 65% of search engine market share for restaurants. Given the high […]

January 31, 2018

10 tips for successful social media ads in 2018

When you invest money, you expect results. Nothing wrong there. But if you’re not things the right way, chances are that you will not yield any results. And if that thing is social media, then god save me. Things related to social media change so quickly that it’s difficult for a novice to adapt quickly […]

January 24, 2018

7 channels for effective MSP Marketing – a free guide with the marketing mantra for success

There are several surveys to show that Marketing, for a majority of MSPs and IT Service Providers, is an ignored area. Since most of their investments are absorbed in hiring skilled resources and researching new technologies, marketing remains something that they do not like to delve in and consider it to be an overhead. In […]

January 17, 2018

SEO Misconceptions You Need to Stop Right Away to Successfully Grow Your Business

With deluge of information available on the Internet, it can be hard to isolate the relevant data from the outdated one. You don’t want to spend hours optimizing a site only to realise that the tactics you used no longer works.  Stop these SEO Practices listed below as they won’t do any good to your […]

January 10, 2018

9 SEO trends that will make your brand visible, desirable and creatively grow in 2018

There are too many SEO insights and predictions for 2018. Why are we talking about it now? Coz all the predictions you’re reading about will help you. Well, we are giving you the trends that will work for you to get you SEO rankings. No faff. No exaggerations. There are so many algorithm changes in […]

January 3, 2018

How to Advertise and Promote Your Newly Launched Startup?

Launching a new startup is exciting and scary at the same time. You’re wondering if you had the right idea, and if people will like your product or service. Will your business be one of the 10% startups that succeed… or part of the 90% that fail? Of course, what matters most is to come up with a product that people need. You also […]

December 27, 2017

Social Media Trends 2017 that will still work in 2018 to sustain business growth (Infographic)

Thank god, everything doesn’t change so quickly. Some social media changes that were a hit in 2017 will continue to work in 2018. While all SMM experts are scaring you regarding the social media trends that will dominate 2018, we give you a sigh of relief with some 2017 social media trends that will continue […]

December 20, 2017

Digital Success Listed as a 2017 Clutch Global Leader!

While there are a growing number of internet marketing companies out there, none of them can rival the Digital Success team’s commitment to a personalized, friendly approach. Not only do we boast over 700 happy clients from our 17 years of experience, but our clients love us and are happy to review our work. That’s […]

December 13, 2017

Top 2018 Content Marketing Trends to beat competitors hands down and thrive your business

While the entire world is screaming (and probably scaring the shit out of you) regarding the Content Marketing trends that will dominate 2018 and what you’re not prepared for, here we are, eager to share the Content Marketing Tools that will make you successful in 2018 (for free). Let’s look at some trends that are […]

December 6, 2017

If SEO Experts Tell You These 5 Things To Grow Your Business, Don’t Hire Them

I received a major crash course in SEO when I started my position at a new company and had to take over their efforts to get out of penalty with Google. They had been placed in penalty for black hat marketing tactics (essentially finding ways to cheat Google’s algorithm) and they weren’t the only ones. […]

November 29, 2017

SEO Has Evolved – The New Truth About SEO That You Need To Know Now

SEO has evolved over the years, and today so much has changed that many like to believe that SEO is dead or will be dead in the years to come. It is easier for people to share information today but unfortunately it has also become easy to share misconceptions. According to a recent survey that […]

November 22, 2017

Get your social media channels to work big numbers for you this holiday season that grow your business like wildflowers (while you relax!)

During this time of the year, this particular song plays on my mind in an almost repetitive mode. Christmas is coming,The geese are getting fat,Please put a pennyIn the old man’s hat.If you haven’t got a penny,A ha’penny will do,If you haven’t got a ha’penny,Then God bless you.   Save Image Source: The holiday […]

November 15, 2017

Who is killing your brand within your organization?

Sorry about the dramatic heading but I honestly feel that people who play havoc with the corporate logo or template are seriously killing the brand and seriously damaging the reputation. Every time someone tries to do that, your brand identity is at stake. As a marketing professional, it is nightmarish for me to make mockery […]

November 9, 2017

Digital Success Hits the List of Top Digital Marketing Companies in USA at GoodFirms

With 17+ years of experience filled in their pocket representing 30+ Fortune 500 Brands, Digital Success has surely made a stronger digital impact with their proficient services and their clienteles can vouch for it. The early foundation in 1999 has definitely given Digital Success a head start for the ever-evolving field of digital marketing and […]

November 1, 2017

How to Create a Buyer Persona for Digital Marketing

A buyer persona is basically a fictional person that represents your ideal customer. In any business, there is great value in understanding what an ideal consumer would be like. A buyer persona, also called a marketing persona, is a detailed profile of the model customer for whom your product or service is intended. Businesses need […]

October 25, 2017

Digital Success Partners with Clutch!

In the modern digitally-focused world, a company’s online presence and reputation must remain strong and well-maintained. Not only does this help a company grow and gain more visibility, but clients are increasingly hiring companies based on online reviews and news, which can be seen clearly with the burgeoning popularity of websites such as Yelp and […]

October 18, 2017

5 Underrated Gems of Successful SEO Audit That You Just Can’t Afford to Ignore Anymore

As one of the leading SEO companies, we consider that a comprehensive SEO Audit is a very crucial element of any SEO project. SEO Audit is in itself a standalone process and hence requires profound involvement of a person or a team of highly analytic minds. When we decided to create an extensive SEO audit […]

October 11, 2017

How can you maximize ROI and grow sales from Programmatic Advertising initiative?

Programmatic Advertising is still considered a relatively new subject for people who are reluctant to adopt changes and experiment. There are many organizations that are already leveraging from this powerful tactic. The main purpose of programmatic marketing is to serve timely ads to consumers when it’s expected to make the maximum impact. Save Image Source: […]

October 6, 2017

FIVE Marketing Tips for Doctors to Quickly Build Their Online Credibility and Grow Their Business

Think about the last time you picked a new restaurant. What information did you have to guide that decision before spending your $$? Perhaps you looked at online ratings or reviews (e.g. Tripadvisor or Urbanspoon), received a recommendation from a friend or read about the great new chef. What these snippets of information provide is […]

October 4, 2017

5 Unique Tips to Get Your Facebook Ads to Generate Leads and Boost Sales

You’ve had enough of Facebook ads that haven’t given any results. Unfortunately, you can’t drop Facebook Ads from your marketing budget anymore but the pain is that they simply ain’t working. All right, we’ll not get into the recent controversy political advertisements on Facebook that were bought by a spurious Russian internet agency. In spite […]

September 27, 2017

4 Digital Marketing Tips to Get Quality Leads and Make Your Business Thrive in the Current Times

Why aren’t the leads coming? Where is all the digital marketing spend going? Why isn’t there enough ROI from the marketing efforts? The marketing leaders at all organizations have to face the dreaded questions, all the time. If there is a magic potion for CMOs, in the current times, to maximize their ROI on digital […]

September 22, 2017

Revealed! The secret to lead the search rankings race and upswing your website using the simplest way

Your website is your online entity, and you want to rank high on search engines. Everybody does. But you are unable to get those desirable rankings. Are you missing something really critical? Your digital marketer might be focusing on all the digital marketing tactics other than this one. Are you updating your website content regularly? […]

September 15, 2017

Digital Marketing for Small Business to Gain a Competitive Edge – Why You Can’t Cut it with a Boiler-Plate Strategy

Did you know? A recent survey revealed that 75% of small businesses believe that internet marketing is ‘effective’ or ‘very effective’ at attracting new customers. For small business owners and entrepreneurs, every foray into marketing needs to provide return on investment – and quickly enough to give you an understanding of whether it’s worth it […]

September 13, 2017

The Secret Ingredients for a Perfect Google AdWords Campaign Growth to Generate High-quality Leads

You think you have the best recipe to drive traffic with Google AdWords? Think again. You obviously have the simple answers for a Google AdWords campaign to fail. The keyword research wasn’t thorough, you didn’t think of making your campaign mobile friendly or you directed the visitors to the wrong pages. As a result, you […]

September 6, 2017

5 tips to transform into a digital and expand your business

Every entrepreneur will have a different understanding of the term digital business. Since the trends in the digital world are so damn disruptive, there is no one way to define it. So as a result, in this dynamic digital era, many organizations are confused if they are truly digital and what does it take to […]

Digital Success Going Places: Featured in Top Marketing Agencies Lists by Upcity and TopSEOs

Digital Success is a multi-disciplinary Digital Marketing Agency in Dallas, Texas helping small and mid-sized business owners to maximize their Return of Investment (ROI) from their digital marketing efforts. It has been due to an incessant focus on innovation and ability to think beyond the usual that are mainly attributed to Digital Success making it […]

August 30, 2017

4 Content Marketing hacks to double your leads

You probably have a well-planned content marketing plan but you’re still not able to generate leads. Persuasion or a tempting offer, what is it that can make your content marketing efforts pay off? We take a dive into some practical content marketing leads that can help you grow your leads multifold. Everywhere you read, there […]

August 23, 2017

How Programmatic Advertising can change your Content Marketing Strategy & Why It’s Must For Your Business Growth

Experts predict that the Content Marketing Industry will stand at 32 billion by 2018. Now given that big number, there is one thing that’s absolutely clear. It’s no longer the prerogative of only big enterprises. Organizations, of all sizes, should start taking Content Marketing seriously. One of the key reasons for the growing popularity of […]

August 16, 2017

Dark Traffic, The Badass, Impact Your Online Growth & You Must Identify and Smack

  Any traffic is the good guy and dark traffic is the bad guy. Didn’t you know? Yes, your direct traffic comes camouflaged and some of it is dark traffic. Why is it important to uncover it? Coz it’s misleading you.   Raindrops the size of bullets thundered on the castle windows for days on […]

August 9, 2017

3 Tips to Make Your Inbound Marketing Efforts to Attract Many Leads and Boost Revenue Growth

  Every month or quarter you have that dreaded ‘Status Meeting’, where the boss asks you,” Where are my leads?” and you fumble out some stats. You have been investing heavily in inbound marketing and it is not yielding the results that you are anticipating. Let’s face it. Consumers have becomes smarter and more aware. […]

July 26, 2017

5 Amazing SEO Tips for Online Success that eCommerce Websites Have Been Ignoring

eCommerce website owners are always hungry for more online business. They seek dominance on search engines and SEO has proved to a great tool for smarter B2B businesses. It is critical as a solid approach to help your website gain more customers and fulfill your business purpose within less budget. As a business owner, you […]

July 17, 2017

4 Growth Hacking Trends that will Dominate the Future of Social Media Marketing

Experts predict that social media will have over 2.95 billion users by 2020. With such a high number of users over the globe, social media channels have to consistently think of novel ways to engage them. Even enterprises have to generate new ways to gain a leadership position in social media charts. We all have […]

July 5, 2017

The Future of Programmatic Advertising

The other day I was reading 5 Lessons That Disrupters Like Facebook Teach About Succeeding Now and there was an extremely important point that made me think for a long time. The article talks about the importance of giving what your customer wishes to be served. This is what Facebook does with its remarkable feature called News […]

July 4, 2017

The Impact of Voice Search on Digital Marketing | Is it a New Opportunity for Growth!

“OK, Google, what’s the capital of China?” I heard the 6-year old ask the device. ‘Beijing ‘, it replied within seconds. Digital assistants are everywhere. There are more and more people getting comfortable using it. Save Image Source:×439.jpg There have been several surveys that reveal that the earliest adopters of voice search are millennials. […]

June 21, 2017

How is Artificial Intelligence (AI) changing the future of Digital Marketing?

I still remember an article published in 2014 on BBC that scared me to bits. It was a prediction on Artificial Intelligence from Professor Stephen Hawking and he said, “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race…. It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an […]

June 15, 2017

AI in PPC : Is it time to bid adieu to the PPC manager?

Can an artificially intelligent device replace the PPC manager? How effective will be machine learning to manage PPC campaigns? Let’s explore. We all know that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is overtaking everything. PPC is no exception. Experts predict that the jobs of PPC professionals are in grave danger as the adoption of AI and Machine Learning […]

May 3, 2017

SEO for Lawyers: Legal Marketing Experts Share Successful Digital Marketing Tips for Attorneys

Law industry is getting competitive day by day with more and more players adopting aggressive online marketing tactics. With that said, bids on AdWords are crazily exorbitant, hence it has become even very imperative for law firms and independent lawyers to ensure their organic presence on search engines. Digital Success Team, has collaborated with various […]

April 15, 2017

How to Make Geofencing Work for Your Business

Save Did you know 71% of all online time is spent over a mobile device in the US? Geofencing targets those on their mobile phone with your ads in a specific area – such as your business location or your competitor’s business location. Save People today walk, sit, and drive with their phones in their […]

April 5, 2017

How to Continually Get 5-star Online Reviews for Your Service Company and Improve Your SEO

  Pop quiz: What do 90% of your clients do before buying any professionally provided service?   Answer: They read your company’s online reviews.   Just yesterday, I saw a coworker of mine ditch a roofing company because of all the negative reviews. Those reviews essentially caused one roofing company to take business from another, […]

March 22, 2017

How to Tell If Your PPC Manager is Ripping You & Your Online Advertising Campaign Growth Off

The marketing world can be a dark place, full of people who care little about your success and a lot about their own profit. It’s no surprise that we see company after company that’s been burned by crappy PPC managers. From one train wreck to the next, business owners hop around hoping to find someone […]

March 8, 2017

How to Get Success On Your Competitors with Online Advertising

For business owners, being able to conquest your competitors is like finding the Holy Grail. It’s a method that has endless value and should be a ‘must-have’ in your strategy if you’re considering online advertising. Here’s why. Modern online marketing tactics aren’t stuck in the 90’s anymore – They’ve Evolved! There are actually tools out […]

February 22, 2017

What is Geofencing & How It Can Grow Your Business

Geo-fencing at a high level is nothing more than its name – a virtually drawn fence around a geographic area. When marketers or businesses create a geo-fence, the end goal is to target the people that enter this area with advertisements in real time and for 30 days after. The GPS service on every phone […]

February 9, 2017

SEO or PPC – Which is Better for Your Online Business Growth?

You have to be found online. This isn’t something a business owner or marketer can opt-out of anymore. And so, the classic question, “Should I invest in PPC or SEO?” still haunts today’s decision makers. Yet, choosing one at random could mean throwing your money into a burning building and waving goodbye. There are significant […]

February 7, 2017

Top 10 Digital Marketing Growth Hacking Blogs from Around the Web

We know! You’re get bombarded with information every day; finding time to read today might as well be impossible. To cut through this clutter, we’ve compiled our favorite blog posts from round’ the web to give you the skinny on what’s happening in the world’s most evolutionary industry. Happy reading! “Mirage Content” Is The Reason […]

January 31, 2017

What is Programmatic Advertising and Why is it Growing so Quickly?

If you’ve used the internet in the past 5 years, then programmatic advertising has already affected you and you didn’t even know it. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, though, since marketers spent $22.10 billion in 2016 on this marketing channel alone. Here’s why. Save What is programmatic advertising? Programmatic advertising is the online ad […]

January 23, 2017

What are Must-Attend Digital Marketing Conferences in 2017 in the US to Grow Your Business

With the start of New year, I’m really hoping 2017 is going to be a big year for Digital marketing with new innovations and changes.  From SEO to PPC to Social Media and Affiliate marketing, etc., this world is growing and evolving every day. It’s important to go with the market trend and changes to […]

January 19, 2017

How Does Franchise Recruitment and Lead Generation Work?

About 12,000 new franchises are opened a year in the United States. The majority of these new locations have opened because of the strategies corporate brands are using to recruit new franchisees and attract leads. They’re getting really, really good at it. However, a massive skills gap exists in the lead generation market. This is […]

January 12, 2017

Why Programmatic Advertising is Must in Your Business Strategy

Programmatic advertising isn’t new, but in 2016 its popularity skyrocketed. US programmatic display ad spend reached $22.10 billion and programmatic video ad spend has reached $5.51 billion, representing 56.0% of total digital video ad spend. What is it? It’s a method of reaching people online at the right moment. Programmatic can reach a highly targeted […]

January 3, 2017

Guide to Market & Expand Your Urgent Care Services Online

Over 30,700,000 searches for urgent care services happen every month, many of which turn into walk-in patients. Save Many Urgent Care brands today are capitalizing off of the online world and have turned it into a way to acquire new patients. Although their strategies may differ, they’re using digital marketing to create new ways to […]

December 5, 2016

SEO for Lawyers: The Guide to Ranking in Google

Save Although most people still find lawyers through referrals, that’s quickly changing. 26% percent of people under 25 find lawyers through an internet search. Drastically up from 14% of those over 25. And it’s not just millennials that are seeing this trend. People age 25 to 34 find lawyers through the internet much more commonly […]

November 16, 2016

What do SEO and Dieting Have in Common?

Simply put, SEO and dieting are frighteningly similar. 1. Both belong to an industry where people want to take shortcuts without doing the hard work. We all know it’s true, SEO work takes months to show tangible results – for some people, that’s a hell of a long time. So, of course, they cut corners […]

November 9, 2016

8 Critical Questions Startups Need to Have Answered Before Making an App

After years of building mobile apps for startups we came to a realization: they always seem to ask us the same questions, no matter their size. These questions result from the modern issues these entrepreneurs face, so wedo our best to guide them to an answer. Here’s our top 8 list, and our answer for […]

October 19, 2016

What to Do for Thriving When Your Content Marketing Falls Flat

“Create awesome online content.” “WOW your users.” “Provide value to customers before asking them to buy.” “Tell your story through the content you produce.” “Customers will find your content online when searching.” We’ve all heard it – and it all sounds so exciting. It seems like it’s being shouted from the rooftops, we often hear […]

October 17, 2016

3 Ways Outsourced Marketing Accelerates Business Growth

When’s the last time you thought you had too much time of your hands? How about the last time thought about something not related to growing your company? Have you ever struggled with having too many hot leads? Save Small and medium sized businesses always deal with constraints that hinder growth, and not surprisingly, these […]

September 30, 2016

The Ultimate Crash Course on Influencer Marketing to bloom your business

Everything you need to know about the growing trend of influencer marketing in minutes What “Influencer” Really Means Influencers are just people on social platforms who have a significant amount of influence over other people’s opinions and thoughts. Typically, these people have sizeable followings on their platforms, and are consistently producing content their audience wants. […]

August 25, 2016

Facebook Video Monetization is Finally Happening with Live Video

Monetizing videos has always been a downside for Facebook publishers as ad revenue is harder to come by when there are no commercials before your videos. This has led to YouTube’s long-lived monopoly on the majority of premium quality content creators. But Facebook recently hit YouTube back in two big ways. 1. Their recent announcement […]

July 28, 2016

The Future of Snapchat After the Updates – Memories, Discovery, and In-Story Ads

The last two months of updates significantly changed Snapchat – What are the effects and where is Snapchat heading? Using old pictures in your story, seeing ads in your content – this doesn’t sound like the description of the Snapchat we know. But it’s the reality users are now experiencing after the last three updates. […]

July 19, 2016

Social Media’s Backlash on Melania Trump’s Speech

Multiple paragraphs of Melania Trump’s 2016 Speech were nearly identical to Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech, and the internet isn’t happy about it. Save This Monday, the Trump campaign decided to shoot themselves in the foot by plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s 2008 DNC speech. Social media erupted in outrage when evidence of the speech’s plagiarism emerged. Here’s […]

July 5, 2016

5 Killer Tools for Better Social Marketing that Increase Your Brand Awareness Online

Welcome to 2016, where social media is essentially a requirement for every brand. Problem is, businesses are packed in like sardines on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and getting attention from users is harder than ever. This means your strategy has to be smart, unique, and calculated. And you can’t do it alone. You need […]

June 29, 2016

The Real Trump Card: How Donald’s Social Media Changed and Thrived the 2016 Election

Save FDR made it with the radio. JFK rose through TV. Barack Obama leveraged all things digital and was the pioneer of a political Facebook. And Trump is the US republican nominee because he uses social media better than today’s high school drama queens. Tweeted 59 times in one day? Check. Got billions of dollars […]

June 28, 2016

How a Cappuccino Helped an IT Company to Increase Online Inquiries

It happened as we met over a cup of cappuccino. The CEO of the mid-sized Dallas IT Company wasn’t quite aware that it would take him a ‘special’ cup of cappuccino to close more deals (and find a solution). As he sipped the warm liquid (and I took a bite of the gooey chocolate cake), […]

June 27, 2016

Meet AMP, Your Web Amplifier & How Will it Impact Your Business SEO Growth

Meet AMP, created to help mobile websites become faster. But how will it impact SEO? Here are some of your answers Save So, what is AMP? AMP has become quite the buzzword for some time now. When Google first introduced AMP listings into their mobile search results in February 2016, we knew very little about […]

June 3, 2016

What the Recent Twitter Changes Mean for the Platform

With a total of 60 percent drop in stock this year, Twitter is really feeling the heat to turn things up in the user engagement department. Twitter’s been looking for their big break for a while now but recently set their sights on fixing up multiple quality of life fixes that, for years, users have […]

May 27, 2016

Local SEO Checklist

Can your potential customers find you online? If you own a physical location that needs to attract local customers, getting your local SEO updated should be top of mind. When a desktop or mobile searcher looks for you, guiding them to your doorstep rather than your competitors shouldn’t be such a difficult task. So, we’ve […]

May 12, 2016

9 Common SEO Mistakes Holding Your Web Page Back and Stopping Your Business Growth

We all love to think our pages are fine-tuned and optimized for the all-knowing Google. That just comes as part of being an online creator. But why is it that so many hopeful pages produced by individuals and companies end up on the 2nd or 3rd page of search results instead of the first? They’re […]

May 3, 2016

5 Powerful Approaches to Influencer Marketing for Your Brand Growth

Right now, there are people using the internet across the globe to build an online community of followers centered around a common interest. In marketing circles, we simply label them as influencers. Influencers call blogging sites, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook their home. Creating an active and engaged audience from these places is not easy; as […]

April 13, 2016

The Changes to Instagram: What You Need to Know to Grow Your Business Overall

Now that you’ve finally mastered Instagram, the big wigs over at have IG headquarters decided to change the way things work. Instagram recently introduced a new algorithm to decide what you see and when you see it in your feed. The updates change the way you use and view the app. An Instagram rep recently […]

April 5, 2016

How to Get Your Website Listed in Google News to Boost Your Online Business

Save With well over 1 billion weekly viewers and the reputation as the most trusted new source, Google News is still going strong. Google News offers brands the opportunity to raise their online visibility, traffic, and eventually their sales. Getting listed in Google News doesn’t just mean dollar signs though. When you’re shown in Google […]

March 31, 2016

Google Set to Strengthen Mobile-Friendly Signals this May

Save Back in 2015 Google made some drastic changes to mobile ranking signals. This is looking to be the second half of the change with some specific change points that Google released in their announcements. During their announcement, they had this to say: “Getting good, relevant answers when you search shouldn’t depend on what device […]

March 29, 2016

How Social Media Marketing Benefits in the Growth of Nonprofits Organization

Save A recent study done by Dunham and Company revealed that 76% of nonprofits don’t provide a way for donors to share about the donation they just made while 40% of donors say they’d like a way to do this. A missed opportunity? You bet. How about this one – 100% of nonprofits say they […]

March 28, 2016

5 Remarketing Facts That Will Improve Your PPC Strategy

Save When someone walks into a store only to walk out a few minutes later without buying anything, they’re likely gone forever. But not with the internet. No sir, we can tap into the ability to retarget them with visual display ads on Google, Facebook, and Twitter to name a few. If you’re on the […]

March 17, 2016

Will Google’s AdWords Layout Change Impact Businesses Online Growth- The Winners and Losers

Save With very little build up or fanfare, Google tossed out the old paid search layout and imported a new one last month. And all the other changes over the past six months have drastically changed what you see when you do a simple search for “basketball shoes”. Now, there’s a rich snippet, two more […]

March 11, 2016

How Important are Meta Tags for SEO and Increasing CTR?

Save The web spam master at Google, Matt Cutts, dictates the importance of Meta Description Tag and Keyword Tags and how they impact websites. Here’s what he says about meta tags: “Meta tags are a great way for Webmasters to provide search engines with information about their sites. They can be used to provide information […]

March 1, 2016

Facebook Rolls Out Reactions

Save After its long awaited arrival, the new reaction function on Facebook introduced last week was generally met with excitement. Causing quite a buzz, Facebook’s feed is so far seeing a decent improvement of post interaction due these classic like alternatives. Just about a year ago, Zuckerberg and company told us that it was time […]

February 22, 2016

Google Bans Flash From its Display Ad Network

Save Google recently set a date to ban Adobe’s Flash player from being in their display ads. Starting January 2, 2017 no more Flash based display ads will be allowed on Google Display Network or DoubleClick. Although this is plenty of time to run flash ads you still have, the last date for uploading them […]

February 17, 2016

How Do Successful Site Retargeting Strategies Work? Asking an Expert

The power of targeting visitors who have already engaged with your brand with visual ads is only beginning to be fully tapped. We know extensive knowledge of site retargeting has been found in the recent years, so we decided to have one of today’s digital marketing experts, Chetan Saxena, share that knowledge with us. After […]

February 13, 2016

Twitter’s New “show me the best tweets first” Button

Save #RIPTwitter? Not quite yet. Starting this Wednesday, Twitter is introducing a new way to turn around their declining profits and delight shareholders with a fancy new button. Just hit the “see the best tweets first” button and your Twitter algorithm will change to show you “the best” tweets first. Facebook-y, I know. Why not […]

February 5, 2016

How Do Lead Generation Services Actually Work & Its Impact on Business Growth?

Save Finding people interested in what you have to sell – sounds easy right? But if it was as easy as it sounds, there wouldn’t be so many thousands of lead generation companies in existence. There are countless strategies these companies employ (often changing as per the product/service being marketed), but we’ll dive into the […]

January 27, 2016

How Has Google’s Search Quality Guidelines Impacted SEO & Your Online Business Growth?

Save Google recently released the 160 page guide that outlines how the search results we all see in Google are evaluated. Google stated that this guide is not the end all be all for SEO’s, but still provides the valuable insights that Google uses to measure the effectiveness of their search results. The guide contains […]

January 25, 2016

What it takes to leverage Social Media in 2016

Save 360 degree video, instant articles for mobile, buy buttons on multiple social sites, new emoji’s to rate posts with, automatic playing gif’s, and so many more functions were introduced last year. I won’t lie to you, if you’re considering getting into the social media game for the first time, it’s a little late. In […]

December 29, 2015

Remarketing for Business Success: Does It Work? The Why and How

Save Remarketing is this: A visitor walks through your businesses front doors, ask about a product of service you offer, then leaves without even a goodbye wave. Later, you send your salespeople to follow that person around wherever they go to remind them you exist and how you can benefit them. If this happened to […]

December 23, 2015

Digital Marketing for Franchises Online Growth- The 3 BIG Questions

Save You’ve been told how awesome digital services like SEO, email marketing, content creation, PPC, and the others are. The thing is, everyone is trying to sell themselves. And at the end of the day, the information you currently have as a decision maker is the only way you know what seller is worthy. And […]

December 18, 2015

Basics of Marketing Automation to Boost Your Business Growth

Firstly, marketing automation is nothing more than: Save What is the true value marketing automation provides? Well, we’ve found varying answers to this question, all depending on how it’s used. What you should always remember is this: Marketing automation will never be successful if a marketing department is not using it in tandem with other […]

December 9, 2015

Highlights of State of Search Conference, Dallas

From powerfully passionate speakers like Mig Reyes to highly seasoned experts like Alan Bleiweiss with 22 years in SEO, the 2015 State of Search conference came and went last month in our very own Downtown Dallas. Breaking things and burning business cards were just a few of the advised actions from Rand Fishkin and Mig […]

December 7, 2015

How Reviews Impact SEO Results: Infographic for Online Business Growth

Save Sources of information:

November 24, 2015

The most common failures of digital marketing agencies

Constant innovation. Ability to adapt. High Growth. Results oriented. These are a few of phrases off on an infinite list of items agencies use to describe themselves. Trying to uphold all these claims, digital marketing agencies have found themselves running into some roadblocks. Do you remember when Google AdWords became a thing 15 years ago? […]

November 16, 2015

Top 5 Challenges Small Business Customers Have with their Websites and Website Design

After undertaking several web designing projects in Dallas and other locations, we decided to personally ask what small business clients think were the biggest challenges with their website. Here were the top five most popular answers. 1. Constant technology change gets expensive and hard to follow Having a responsive website design Potentially needing to create […]

November 9, 2015

Tips to Have a Responsive Website: Here’s how you can improve your SEO results with a responsive website design

Save Know the Facts Just under half of Google users access information via a mobile device (as high as 48%!). Google and Bing give higher rankings to responsive websites. Of the top 10,000 websites only 18.7% are responsive – this is your chance to get ahead! So, what does “responsive” even mean and what does […]

November 3, 2015

The Secret Behind Getting Top Mobile Search Rankings Revealed that Guarantee Success

Save As stated by Google, “More Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers worldwide.” This is the prevalent reason as to why Google indexes mobile searches and desktop searches so differently. Problem is, most marketers are still operating off of a strategy that was built solely for the desktop. Yeah sure, you […]

October 30, 2015

All you need to know about Google’s new Artificial Intelligence, RankBrain and impact on business growth

Save Google’s search results are changing because of RankBrain’s implementation. Here are the biggest questions and answers. What is RankBrain? Save RankBrain is Google’s machine learning artificial intelligence system that assists Google in finding what the searcher is looking for, and showing it to them in search results. Is RankBrain affecting my search results right […]

October 29, 2015

What is the future of predictive search technologies and its impact on business growth?

Save Remember the days when you had to dust off the ol’ encyclopedia just to satisfy that burning curiosity in the back of your mind from an unanswered question? Me neither. “Just Google it” is something we’ve been saying for so long, it has actually been registered as a verb by Merriam Webster dictionary. And […]

October 28, 2015

5 ways to get better ROI from your search traffic and increase your sales growth

Save If you’ve ever stared at a Google Analytics report just to be left scratching your head wondering “Why is the vast majority of traffic I’m getting not converting?” you’re far from alone. Just take a step back and consider where that traffic is coming from. And I don’t mean step back and glance at […]

October 27, 2015

Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing – Understanding the Difference to Flourish Your Business

Imagine this: The pipes below your sink started leaking today so you head to Google and search for “Dallas Plumbing” only to see a deal you can’t refuse in one of the ads listed on the side. You click the ad and land on the company website, then proceed to read a few reviews about […]

October 23, 2015

Actually Actionable Advice: Using Social Media Marketing as an Opportunity

Save In the daily blur of grinding away at our checklist for social media, we too often forget what it means to be a human with our strategy. Instead of reading yet another formula made of standards, sometimes you need a refresher on how to see social media as an opportunity rather than an obligation; […]

October 21, 2015

3 of Today’s Most Prolific Content Marketers and What They Teach Us to Flourish Our Business

Save To truly dive into the world of content marketing, you must first understand that writing something great is only a drop in the bucket that is the strategy behind successful content marketing. Writing something with a few keywords jammed in it is far off from content marketing institute’s definition of: “Content marketing is a […]

October 20, 2015

Facebook’s new “Reaction” function and its impact

Save After Facebook publicly released a preview of their new “reactions” function there were several different responses. Of course, Facebook stated that the motivator for this change was the overwhelming demand for a “dislike button”. Which was a strange way to introduce this idea, as the closes thing to a dislike here is probably the […]

October 19, 2015

What All the Successful Landing Pages Have in Common

Although there is no one size fits all formula to follow, there are elements on the most successful landing pages that are shared between them all. Building a landing page that is engaging, builds trust, and is visually appealing, is easier said than done. We’ll go over the biggest factors when it comes to making […]

October 15, 2015

Building Content Continuity Between Your Desktop and Mobile Websites

The astonishingly rapid pace of the internet’s evolution has bred many recent changes in the way we interact with online websites, one of which is how we view mobile content vs desktop content. 89% of mobile owners use their phones to open a browser and use the internet Because of this, companies must consider the […]

October 8, 2015

Digital Marketing For Business Growth and the Legal Industry

As law firms and attorneys have historically been centered on creating advantages for themselves through networking, just about 30% of people say that they find attorneys through asking a friend. While this remains an effective strategy, there’s a huge percentage of clients who want to be found as they actively seek someone to go with, […]

October 7, 2015

Why Do Small Businesses Struggle to Grow With Local SEO?

Save As we’re contacted by a number of local businesses every month, we’ve seen a trend rising out of the woodwork that’s rather alarming: SEO has changed, and local businesses are being hurt by hiring companies that do not know this. Unfortunately, it gets worse. In addition to not knowing the current best practices, many […]

October 6, 2015

Coming Soon: Google’s Real Time Penguin Algorithm

Last month Google disclosed that they will be releasing a real-time version of the Penguin Algorithm before this year’s end, or at least that is what they’re shooting for. Penguin is the name Google dubbed this algorithm as it crawls sites to determine if they are “black-hat” techniques used by those trying to trick Google […]

October 5, 2015

A Guide to Facebook Advertising for Effectively Promoting Your Business

Save When someone says “PPC” most people immediately envision Google’s AdWords and forget about the platform that has been massively upgraded in the last few years, and even more so in the last two months. Facebook’s innovations like the Custom Audience function, demographical refinements, and the ability to advertise not based off of extremely expensive […]

September 25, 2015

Why Content is King and what it’s Missing for Online Growth

Save If you remember the days when banner ads had 50-90% Click through rates, you’re probably both old and exceptionally jaded to the current ones. In fact, we all are. Our chances of clicking a banner ad are lower than the chances of us climbing Mount Everest. The stats also say that you’ve seen 1,700 […]

September 24, 2015

Proven Building Blocks to a Successful Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Campaign

Save As PPC platforms were popularized over a decade ago, you’ve likely already picked up a few great ways to run a PPC campaign over these years. However, what most people using Pay-Per-Click advertising platforms don’t know is how to get that certain edge up on their competitors with time-tested techniques. Here, we outline a […]

September 22, 2015

Why the Financial Segment Needs Online Marketing to Flourish their Business

The financial segment in the US has been slow to adopt any strategy involving digital marketing, and for good reason, too. Digital marketing can become quickly complex, and more traditional forms of marketing have had proven success for such a vast number of years. With the advancement of time, the numbers have shifted quite heavily […]

September 21, 2015

Who are Social Media Influencers and How to Find Them to Boost your Business?

Save Before you can benchmark yourself or connect with people to help extend your reach, you must first seek out those that are actually making waves on social media. An influencer is more than someone who sets foot into the shallow end and makes a few splashes; they’re the ones that jump into 10ft deep […]

September 18, 2015

Google and Twitter to develop an Instant Content Delivery Platform

This coming fall, “instant articles” will be available on Google and Twitter to mobile users when they touch a link. What this essentially will do is have a full article load to their screen near instantly rather than the few second wait we’re all so used to. But the twist: These articles will be open […]

September 16, 2015

How is Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Changing and Growing?

As we know, the world of online marketing is fluid and always changing. The digital expanse of 2012 is nearly unrecognizable when held side-by-side with the modern space of 2015, as shown in the newest study published by search metrics this year. With all the tweaks in ranking factors Google has done, they’ve significantly changed […]

September 14, 2015

Make Intelligent Use of the #hashtag for Effective Social Media Marketing (SMM)

It was quite some time back (in 2007) that the concept of hashtags was introduced. This explosion of usage on social media sites has tapered off in the last few years to form into something that we no longer view as new, but instead more as something that just is. The hashtag has the power […]

September 11, 2015

Amidst one billion websites on the Internet, how is the development of website design affecting you?

Save From 1 website in 1991 to 1 billion in 2014, the internet has indeed grown far beyond what anyone could have imagined twenty years ago. If you’re feeling awash in this deluge of active websites that just about anyone can create, you’re definitely not swimming alone. In the most recent years of the internet’s […]

September 9, 2015

Are you socially engaged? Several social media marketing strategies brilliant companies are using today to be successful

Save If you’re toiling away behind a keyboard daily to come up with the best content you can, then your social media pages are likely chock-full of delectable articles available for reading. Indisputably, this is something all businesses on social media should be doing. Yet, it’s still so common to see companies that have already […]

September 7, 2015

Google’s buy button- The new Magic Button for e-commerce? The growth opportunity for e-commerce world?

Save As much as marketers like to toot their horn about how huge mobile e-commerce has gotten over the last few years, actual purchases off phones and tablets are still dismally low when compared to their counterpart, the desktop. Despite the prodigious figure that is 60% of all browsing for a retail purchases done on […]

September 3, 2015

How much should I spend on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services to Successfully Grow my Business?

Tips to manage your SEO services spend How much is too much or too little?</> You are probably often asked this question during a monthly SEO evaluation meeting. How can be sure that you are not overspending on your SEO efforts or not spending too little? At some point in every company’s existence, a decision […]

September 2, 2015

What is the Changed Relationship Status Between Google and Wikipedia? It’s Increasing Complications

The 11% drop in traffic of 250 million site visitors per month clearly indicates that all is not well between Google and Wikipedia. This happened over the course of one month during last May to July. Save So, what happened to their beautiful friendship? We all know and love Wikipedia, but why does Google not […]

August 28, 2015

Google creates security patch for Android users

Save Source- The highly dis-joined operating system that runs on 24,000 devices from 1,300 brands that we know as Android, has been experiencing another security bug that opened user’s private data to abuse. As Google found and recognized the bug, they have set out to patch it, which will likely be completed sometime in the […]

Understanding Semantic Content Optimization to Grow Your Online Business

Save First of all, “semantic content optimization” is nothing more than a term that has been coined by the digital community to mean one thing – create a pleasurable experience on your website for as many people as absolutely possible. Of course this leads to the question, “Doesn’t everyone already do this, though?” and to […]

August 25, 2015

Local Search Engine Optimization Has Become Vital for Businesses Growth – Here’s Why

Save Being easy to find in local searches is more important than ever, which we will explore in seven different hard-hitting statistics. Mobile searchers As found by Google, 50% of all local searches done on mobile devices lead users to physical stores each day. On the other hand, 34% of computer users are doing the […]

August 24, 2015

Tips to Effectively Manage and Grow Online Reputation

Save Source: Let’s walk through a typical scenario: Your car’s check engine light just came on and you’re heading out to one of the local mechanics nearby to get it looked at. You do a quick check on Google maps to see what’s around to find several Yelp reviews integrated into the search you […]

August 21, 2015

Things You Need to Know About Google and Alphabet for Growing Any Online Business

Last week, one of the world’s most well-known companies decided to restructure its business and create a holding company called Alphabet. The short and sweet version as to why they did this is mention in their blog when they said, “smaller bets in areas that might seem very speculative or even strange when compared to […]

August 20, 2015

Here’s how you can manage user ad settings on Google

Save Source: If you’ve ever wondered what specifically goes into the ads that you see on Google, which led you to question if you can change things. Well, you can. With this recent addition of control on what ads users can see, it’s easier than ever for anyone to customize their Google experience. The […]

August 19, 2015

Is SEO more important than user experience for business growth?

Save Source: Likely, you already know the answer to this. We should continue to remember that SEO is important and why it is, but never forget that user experience is why visitors stay, and will come back to your site. Let’s look into why this is the way it is and how to balance […]

August 18, 2015

Effective techniques to increase your Conversion Rate

The Basics In case you’re unaware, the most common and proven way of gaining conversions is to simply follow the conversion funnel model. Even with all the different versions of this model, they all basically boil down to this: Awareness– Let them know who you are, through whatever channel you want Interest– Prospects are then […]

August 17, 2015

Shopping from Twitter – Will it Soon be a Reality and Opportunity for Business Growth?

Save Source: & Twitter has come a long way since its humble beginnings way back in 2006. Almost ten years later and they will be soon to implement an instant buy button, it’s true. Twitter officially confirmed this when they stated in their blog that users will be able to get access to […]

August 14, 2015

Why Are Infographics Important For Search Engine Rankings & Website Success?

Save Source- Well, according to Rand over at MOZ, usefulness of infographics is definitely waning. He says that the vast majority of infographics used today are actually not as useful as their alternative, the visual asset (photos, small graphs, etc.) This could be for any of a plethora of reasons like, they’re overused, done […]

August 13, 2015

How can You Grow & Get Ranked on YouTube?

No matter what, you won’t be anywhere near the top rankings of YouTube with content that viewers don’t want to watch. So, after you’ve become confident that you have the ability to offer quality videos, you are then cleared to start utilizing the methods YouTube offers to augment your visibility and gain ranking. Where to […]

August 10, 2015

The Future of Mobile Advertising & Driving Factors Behind Its Growth

The Future of Mobile Advertising & Driving Factors Behind Its Growth If Google’s Mobilegeddon of sites that were not mobile friendly was not warning enough, 2015 is the iconic year that mobile use has skyrocketed. Don’t believe this? Let’s let the fact speak for themselves. As of last year, total time spent on Mobile Devices […]

August 7, 2015

What will happen to Google autocomplete API on 10 August 2015?

Save As Google announced just recently, they will be shutting off their unpublished Autocomplete API on August 10 of this year. Let’s look into what this is and what this will do. First of all, who even cares? Well, if you’ve ever worked with keywords before this will likely affect your work. The unpublished autocomplete […]

August 6, 2015

Old Growth Blog Posts 2015 – 2018: Nodi, Google Update, Google Analytics, Bing & Twitter Update

Saying Goodbye to NODI When Coca Cola created their Content 2020 strategy, Jonathan Mildenhall, VP Global Advertising Strategy said: “All advertisers need a lot more content so that they can keep the engagement with consumers fresh and relevant, because of the 24/7 connectivity. If you’re going to be successful around the world, you have to […]

August 4, 2015

Lessons learned from Google’s Mobilegeddon

Find out how important is it to have a responsive website or mobile-friendly website after the Mobilegeddon effect Save Source-   The above graph information is commonly being cited as the main source of information on what happened during

August 3, 2015

What is the latest trend in content marketing?

An insight into creating high-quality content with agile content marketing strategy.   Save Source-   Ready, Fire, Aim As the average content strategy seems to move much more slowly than the other strategies implemented in your company, many companies are beginning to adopt something called an “Agile Content Marketing” strategy. The single most important […]

July 31, 2015

How to Get the Most Success from Your Mobile Landing Pages?

So you’ve got your mobile site set up, you feel like it is optimized, and your PPC campaigns are ready to go. But how can you be sure that you’re getting the most conversions from your current set up? Take a look at these following tips that are really useful. Save First Things First, Have […]

July 30, 2015

Will Automating SEO Activities Improve your Search Results and Boost Your Business Online Presence?

Even if you know little about SEO, you will definitely be aware of the fact that properly evaluating and improving upon a website requires significant amounts of time. Fortunately, new tools to accomplish what we strive for in SEO are being created at a faster rate than ever before. Aligned with the suggestions of SearchEngineLand’s […]

July 29, 2015

A Beginner’s Growth Guide to Pay Per Click Advertising

Save We’ve all heard the buzzword/acronym “PPC” or the phrase Pay per Click at some point. But you don’t know exactly what it entails or how it works. Well you’re in luck, you came to just the place to get a quick crash course. Let’s start with something easy PPC, or Pay per Click, is […]

July 28, 2015

How Can Google Analytics Help Increase Your Website Traffic?

Save What’s so great about Google Analytics? First of all, it’s free! You read that right, you don’t have to pay a thing for this software. Many competitors to Google’s analytical software require some form of payment, like Adobe’s SiteCatalyst. Of course, Google does recommend paying to upgrade to the more refined version of Google […]

July 27, 2015

7 Tips to Get Social Media Marketing Right to Boost Your Social Media Presence

Save Source- Use Social Media Management Software Even if your company is just getting into social media, using management software like the commonly used Hootsuite or Sprout is essential to success. Both of these are tools that beginners can use but also offer a wide variety of functions based on your company’s objectives. A good […]

July 24, 2015

How can Blogs Boost your Local SEO Results?

In a 2012 post by Chris Silver Smith, Blogging has been called a secret weapon for local SEO. How much of that perception has changed? Here’s a look. There was a time when people associated blogs with a teenager dictating their life on the Internet or a travel narrative narrating the wonders of exotic places […]

July 23, 2015

Improve Your Facebook Page Engagement and Make Your Business Page Successful

If you’ve had to deal with trying to get a new social media page off the ground, you know the struggle of what it means to grab attention from new customers. Facebook is partially responsible for this struggle as they have rolled out an algorithmic change recently that added more value to personal posts than […]

July 16, 2015

Digital Success, the one stop shop for all Digital Marketing Solutions, Gets a Facelift

Welcome to a new look of Digital Success Agency (DSA). Check out our new cool and chic look and don’t miss the video with an introduction to our agency. With enhanced graphics dipped in new colors, we introduce Digital TurnOn, a new all-encompassing digital marketing bundle of services. Save What Digital TurnOn offers? You are […]

July 13, 2015

In-house team or Digital Marketing Agency – Who should you choose for your SEO Services to Successfully Grow Your Business?

In a recent post that appeared in Forbes, there was an interesting elaboration on what Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) need to know about SEO. The author mentioned that unless CMOs understand SEO and what can be expected from it, the result may not be satisfactory. For example, it’s important to understand that SEO is not […]

July 7, 2015

Content Marketing or Native Advertising – Which Works Better for Improving Brand Awareness & Recognition?

In a recent blog published on HBR, there is an interesting comparison between returns from Content Marketing and Native Marketing. Before getting into the details of this comparison, I wanted that we really understand Content Marketing and Native Marketing in the true sense. By definition, Content Marketing is an approach to create and distribute relevant […]

July 2, 2015

Do more with Analytics

You can do a lot of analysis with Google Analytics. Parameters like website visitors, source and conversion tracking can be measured with the help of analytics. If you were to perform a deeper dive of the dashboard, you can actually yield much more. For example, check the source for your most valuable customers and how […]

July 1, 2015

Old Growth Blog Posts – Google Update History

Google Webmaster Tools Data Stopped Updating Since Feb 7th, 2015 On Feb 12th, 2015, SEO strategists began voicing their concern regarding data update in Google Webmaster Tools. Over time, it has been observed that the data in Webmaster Tools is delayed by about two-days. But, this time, the Google Webmaster tool update showed its last […]

June 29, 2015

Brand and Non-Brand Search Measures – Understanding the Difference

Search expert Jennifer Johnstone revealed how search can be measured more accurately and the difference between measuring branded and non-branded search efforts. While it is important to have a robust measuring scheme in place, the numbers will not make sense if brand and non-brand search terms are analyzed separately. Measures like Cost Per Acquisition or […]

June 25, 2015

Unused Ad Groups & Campaign Removal Is Becoming Permanent After 30 June, 2015

Are you ready to give-up your unused, non-functional or discarded campaigns, which are 100 days old? Google has recently started an activity to delete unused ads, campaigns and other AdWords entities present in your AdWords account and named it as ‘Spring Cleaning’. The activity that started on March 23 attempts to remove all the ads […]

June 19, 2015

Mobilegeddon Update – What Has Been The Impact?

Google announced the Mobilegeddon on 21st April this year. What has been the impact of the algorithm change that favored mobile websites? Has the effect of Mobilegeddon been as huge, as expected?   Save   So far, Mobilegeddon has not proved to be as harmful for websites as anticipated, at least for desktop searches. But […]

June 16, 2015

Make Your Paid Search Ads Perform & Grow Your Business Online

You have been substantially investing in paid search campaigns and yet they are not yielding any results. While a lot of you may not think about it or may deem it as unimportant but the text of your ad is an extremely important driving factor. You might have created the ad copy in a hurry […]

June 10, 2015

Get your mobile website to drive your sales

While the Google Mobile update known as Mobilegeddon has gradually but surely shown its impact, you are wondering about the next step. You may have a mobile-friendly website that is able to garner a decent search engine ranking but is it driving your sales? What do you need to know to up your sales with […]

June 3, 2015

Still living with the half-baked to grow your business online?

So you have engaged with a SEO specialist to drive your rankings on Google (and hence get some leads)? And you have another vendor to take care of your mobile application? There’s another agency to manage your social media channels. And there’s a freelancer to help you with your web content. You just noticed your […]

May 29, 2015

Smartphones to get smarter with the launch of ‘Now on Tap’

Now get prepared for your android smartphones to read your mind and get smarter. Here’s why. Google Now will mature and give you ‘Now on Tap’, a contextual searching technique. It will be so cool that it will give you search results whether you’re using an app on your phone or using your browser. ‘Now […]

May 20, 2015

Behind the Mask – Here’s an Update on Phantom

No, this isn’t about Phantom, the superhero and his fights with the pirates or smugglers. And this isn’t either about Rolls-Royce’s Phantom, the timeless engineering luxurious marvel. Calling it a quality update, Google recently rolled out the Phantom update and it apparently seems to have dipped rankings for a number of websites. It has been […]

May 15, 2015

Get Back to the Pack after Pigeon Ranking Change

In spite of all your efforts towards getting local search results, do you seem to be trailing in the rankings? If yes, the following blog is just for your eyes. In his write up, Neil Patel shares how, with Google’s Pigeon algorithm update, there should be a shift in the way we look at local […]

May 13, 2015

It’s True! Google Adores Great Content on Social Media

There is no doubt that Social Media has a huge impact on your SEO rankings. Google uses a website’s popularity on social media channels as a ranking measure. Quality content on your social media attracts followership, which in turn enhances the subscribers (and the traffic) for your website. For example, Google relies a lot on […]

April 24, 2015

Saying Goodbye To NODI

When Coca Cola created their Content 2020 strategy, Jonathan Mildenhall, VP Global Advertising Strategy said: “All advertisers need a lot more content so that they can keep the engagement with consumers fresh and relevant, because of the 24/7 connectivity. If you’re going to be successful around the world, you have to have fat and fertile […]

Mobile-friendliness – not a choice anymore. It’s a necessity for any website success

It struck. Google’s Mobilegeddon is finally here to favor the mobile-friendly websites. Are you still wondering the next best move for your website? The impact of the algorithm change will be visible in a few days but that shouldn’t stop you from switching to a mobile-friendly version for your website. This change in the search […]

April 14, 2015

Something Missing In Your 2015 Digital Marketing Strategy?

So you have been executing all that was planned as per the 2015 Digital Marketing Strategy, which was developed so meticulously. But the results have not been as planned. It includes all the parameters that should work in the given scenario but what could be the missing piece that’s pulling the expected results down? You […]

March 28, 2015

Mobile Advertising – You Just Can’t Ignore It Anymore

According to a report by eMarketer, mobile advertising will dominate the advertising space in the next 5 years. In fact they have predicted the spending on mobile advertising to double by 2020 in comparison to 2014. The steep growth is indeed attributed to more than 7 billion mobile subscribers worldwide. By 2020, most of the […]

March 12, 2015

The Secret Mantra to Make PPC Campaign Work

Making the pay-per-click (PPC) advertising model work seems to be a tough task. But you also know that once it works, it can be a highly effective way to draw traffic. So what is missing in your PPC campaigns? What can you do to get traffic on your landing pages? How can you really design […]

March 5, 2015

Renewed Perspective On Search Trends Which Impact Business Growth

In the recent times, the saying ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do’ has become relevant in the world of SEO. It means that you have to customize as per the people around you. Research shows that businesses that localize keywords and content tend to get a better response than businesses that try to […]

February 18, 2015

Google Webmaster Tools Data Stopped Updating Since Feb 7th, 2015

On Feb 12th, 2015, SEO strategists began voicing their concern regarding data update in Google Webmaster Tools. Over time, it has been observed that the data in Webmaster Tools is delayed by about two-days. But, this time, the Google Webmaster tool update showed its last update on 7th February. You are not alone in this! […]

January 19, 2015

Learn How to Successfully Trick Common Spam Traffic Away in Google Analytics with One Uptick

There is a buzz among webmasters about the spam traffic coming in from spam URLs, mainly from Russia and countries which have no relevance to your business. Scan your referral traffic and don’t be happy looking at the sudden surge in traffic, as this increase in referral traffic is pseudo. For those who are still […]

December 26, 2014

5 Phenomenal AdWords Tips to Grow Your Pay-Per-Click Advertising

One of the fastest evolving methods to draw prospective customers to your website is Pay-per-click advertising. In the pursuit of the same, several business owners give Google AdWords or Yahoo Search Marketing or both a try. They display ads in the sponsored results section of SERPs and have to pay a fee each time when […]

December 24, 2014

7 Best Web Analytics Tools for Small Businesses

Running an online business is not an easy task as many of you might think! Understanding your visitor can be confusing as each brings his own set of data which has to be collected, measured, analyzed and finally reported. With this information, you can even tweak your promotions accordingly to improve the length of time […]

December 23, 2014

Top 10 Online Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2015 in Flourishing Your Business Online

It’s that time of the year when social media platforms are cluttered with all sorts of predictions for the New Year. What changes will the Digital Marketing industry see in delivering the digital marketing solutions in 2015? As New Year comes in, internet marketing service providers see a more advanced industry which will lay emphasis […]

November 26, 2014

Bygone are the days of “Facelift Launch” event and bang of Media coverage, latest is “invite only”

Hi everyone, I just stumbled upon this URL: in the morning today and it somehow triggered me to think about all that follows:   What shall we call this tactic of marketing? It seems the marketing brains at E-commerce giants have discovered yet another leak in the psychology of Indian consumer, that tends to […]

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